It's important to be kind to yourself. <3

in #writing2 years ago

The way you talk to yourself (and others) is so important in my opinion.
It literally was one of the biggest things that pulled me out of my depression.

A few years ago I was so depressed I was saying things like "I wish I was dead" numerous times a day.
Then I started telling myself "I love myself" and "I forgive myself" and other positive things like that and now I barely ever say anything bad about myself anymore... So, how I talked to myself essentially took me from a near suicidal state to a state of loving life again!

That's how powerful the way you talk to yourself can be... Similarly, imagine how powerful your words can be to others as well?

If you are someone who really beats yourself up a lot with words a lot like I used to or if other people do that to you, the way you end up deciding to speak to yourself could make things worse... Or it could possibly even save your life.

I feel like the way I changed how I speak to myself saved my life, especially because even if I never would have physically killed myself, what kind of way is that to live...?
Wishing you were dead all the time is no way to live and in a way it's sort of like being dead already even if the body is still alive.

My heart goes out to anyone who is dealing with psychological abuse whether self inflicted or otherwise, I hope you are able to heal more soon. <3

(This is a meme I found on social media, I don't own the rights and I'm sharing it in a fair use educational sense.)


Your post is emotional, it reminds me of the time when my own sister bullying me, she is my sister I know but I cannot forget it, it was too many years, I was very fat in my childhood, she bothered me for many years, I felt depressed, one day I decided to exercise, my mentality and my physique changed, now I see my sister, but I will never forget what she did to me

Sorry to hear that your sister bullied you like that, I had similar experiences growing up. I also had a phase of being a bit overweight as well, people can be jerks and I include myself there because when I was a kid I had a phase of being a jerk myself, though I feel like I do a lot better these days and I'm glad I grew out of that phase within a few years for the most part!

And yeah, I try to forgive everyone... Though, I can't really forget and I'm not sure that would be a good idea even if I could.