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RE: West Harbour ...Part 71 ...Bonds... Natural and Supernatural

in #writing3 years ago

The comment about using html: An easier way to solve the problem (as I am presuming you do not care to install addons for your browser). When you want to use a photo, download it into your computer and then upload here from there. It is the way I do it.

When you place a story in an area, do you choose it because you have been there? If not, do you ever get tempted to visit it? I do.


Hey Alex! I used to get nasty notices about using Pinterest photos bc they redirected you elsewhere - I really don't care - if I like a photo, and I'm incredibly obsessive about this, I'll run over anyone to use it. If I can't find a photo, I'll use my own bc I choose them bc I've been there. Everything in this current story, for example, and most of the experiences.

If I write about what I know I don't have to worry about making stupid mistakes, but then as I said before, I'm not one of those 'writers' who makes things up. I find it easier to lucid dream about my experiences. Oh, btw, I'm not adventurous...sorry, I know that sounds bad but it's who I am. I don't like travelling but will do so for particular purposes, but I'm content with who I am and where I am. Yeah, I know it sounds quasi eastern....without going out of my house I can know all things on earth but I really believe that and any trip right now is très dangereux, and face it, Canada is so cosmopolitan and diverse that the world comes here without my moving,lol.