DIARY: The weather is crazy... my parrot is crazier ( 15 June 2018)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


School is finally over! We completed another long year and another class, I congratulated myself and picked up my hilariously happy kid in front of the school. The summer is all ours.

The weather is still unbelievably annoying. It changes every three seconds, but as I can't do anything about it I just decided to ignore it. I just hope it will find some sort of a balance because I want to see a beach sometime this month. They say it will be very hot, but the temperature of the sea can vary depending on the rain and cold streams.

My parrot friend
I learned that even my parrot hates the lightnings and thunders, and poor bird is in the wired cage. The birds are sensible to the electricity in the air, and they can even die. Not from a direct electrical hit, this is more indirect influence or some sort of an energy they can't tolerate.
A problem is that my parrot flees inside of a cage when he is afraid.
I found a solution, and that is a whole wooden cage made of a bamboo.
I will acquire it during this summer so that my annoying bird has a sound sleep.

I still can't touch him, but he quite comfortably walks on the ropes I hold for him to climb around or just for fun to wiggle left and right.

I managed to find a middle ground for petting, I am using a twiglet or a straw and he is sort of fine with that.

Coloring books and math deal
Aside from coloring rocks and making hand craft art that looks more like the abstract art... I promised to buy my kid one coloring book, but for adults. I am still not sure where to find one by approximately normal price and with as much pages I can possibly find. Maybe I would be better off to download all of that from the internet and then just to print it in the local copy shop. It is not a big deal, but it is also not cheep.
My kid passed with great grades, but not excellent. The guilty fact is that she hates math and some things like regular homework are not quite clear to her.
So to avoid that issue the next year, I had an agreement with her. If I get from her some math and writings done in the morning, we will go to the beach in the afternoon. If not, I am not moving form my chair.

The certain things that should be addressed
There were some issues on the server, and as a result some people decided to walk away. I hold my final verdict with my convictions, and that will not be changed, but this could become a very serious question in other groups.
I don't think that a trail should participate in upvoting posts from the third party apps, because the participants of a trail who doesn't use that app, have no benefit of it.
Other groups have a huge main voting account, and they do not base trail membership on trail that is made by members.
This is a reason why they CAN decide weather thy will vote or not, because SP is their's, it doesn't belong to a group.
I also think that using a trail to achieve bigger rapport from the certain apps is kind of wrong.
I want that voting on the third party apps be individual, conscious and willing and I also don't want to be responsible for distributing 5, 15 or 25% of a member's vote towards the third party who was never part of an initial deal, or our membership based trail.
For this reason only we vote on the posts that are published though the apps that doesn't charge any fee, individual gateways and Steemit as a primary website.
All the others are part of the server called STEEM-centric where individuals interested in those apps can freely showcase they work and manually vote on their peers.

Some people will never stop
To my knowledge a certain group of the individuals ( I refuse to believe this could be just one person...) found a way to circumvent plag control . They acquired an article spinner. That is a piece of software that ruins an article in such extent, it is virtually impossible to find a software other than a human eye that will locate a source material. So, in case that you bump into something that only looks lie a human language, that would be it.


Well, some things come with the territory. The more exposure you have, the more you work, the bigger possibility is that some special individuals will have something to object. I had quite enough opportunities to see how some people look down at us and think how tehir life is so perfect and so much better than what we have. Well, I can't agree more. Because, if THAT is a perfection I would rather remain the way I am right now.

Poloniex: USD/STEEM: $1.4542; USD/SBD: $1.4573
Bittrex: USD/STEEM: $1.7043; USD/SBD: $1.3273
Bittrex: USD/GOLOS: $0.0427; USD/GBG: $0.0395

STEEM and SBD are in a harsh decline, they are still falling and I have no idea until when. Apparently, this is not the bottom, but what can I know. Let's just sit here and wait to see.


Everything I write on Steemit is pretty much random...

  1. ToVid.Io - Free online YouTube image and audio editor and publisher
  2. Kryptonia.io - Small tasks Marketplace based on SuperiorCoin
  3. My first #ulog Good morning, let's have a breakfast
  4. COMEDY OPENMIC ROUND 1 | Love like an Ice, Dream like a Storm!

I started to write for @steemgigs ' #ulog, @steemhunt and @esteemapp and #travelfeed. My earnings rapidly improved, but I guess it could be just a beginner's luck so I will not start prematurely celebrating. I will sit here, write my pieces and wait.


Comments, upvotes...

  1. RE: One Song - One Theme Challenge: 6/14/2018
  2. RE: Introducing our Baby Girl to the Steemit Family! 💕
  3. RE: #106 Golden Gate Bridge 🌉 🇺🇸 金门大桥的前世今生 | 摄影月旦评
  4. RE: Explore With Me : Koh Yao Yai - THAILAND - 2
  5. RE: Best place to be right now
  6. RE: So who’s Powering down?
  7. RE: Unlocking the Power of Chrome: Issue 47
  8. RE: Exploring Japan - Making Japanese Sweets (Wagashi) in Itami, Hyogo Prefecture
  9. RE: Everything is magnetic! - physics explained
  10. RE: Day 2 Without Coffee - Breaking the Habit

I had a lot of interesting finds a previous few days on Steemit and enjoy commenting. It is sad that people pay so little attention what others write.

Follow my curation with Steemauto

Upcoming payments

My earning pattern is still heavily based on what I write in posts, but my comments seems to lack persuasion or are simply not good enough. I will have to go back to my the people I previously commented on.


Github page

Steemit tutorials
This is a part of my GITHUB, I post little snippets of information there, but I will update it every now and then with more text and data.
For now I am concentrate much of my time to the @steemrepair and Steemit.

  1. Steemit user guide: passwords
  2. Steemit English language improvement application list
  3. Steemit account basic statistic
  4. How to register with GINA BOT?
  5. Basic Markdown for Steemit
  6. What NOT to do on Steemit
  7. How and where to resource your images?
  8. Steemit oriented audio evenings
  9. How to see your incoming rewards
  10. Which Steem Apps take part of your reward?



  1. The Best Inspirational Quotes - Always Improve Yourself
  4. WORDCLOUD - @artpetra

My images and photography will be much better, as I acquired another phone with much better camera.
I am still far away from investing in any better photographic equipment, but maybe I manage to change it in the future.


  1. Product hunt: Steemhunt - A Steem Fueled Product Hunt
  2. Giveaway: Seyiodus's Giveaway #2 A Riddle (What Am I?) - Today's Prize: 1 Share Of Steembasicincome

I am still not overly interested onto the contest and I like to be free to write randomly. I doubt I could even have enough time to focus on any in particular. @steemhunt so far looks like the easiest way for me to participate in something aside from administration and blogging.

Thank you for reading and visiting my blog!


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According to our quality standards(1), your publication has reached an score of 81%.

Well said Gabriel García Marquez: "You learn to write by writing" Keep trying, you will soon achieve excellence!

(1) dropahead Witness' quality standards:

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birbs are great friends :D there's a wonderful video of a magpie on youtube who's super friendly and adorable. Glad school is done and you and your child can enjoy the summer :)

You make your parrot sound like a funny child. Does she have a name 😊

Wow, so many shared things. I liked the most you family chapter with you kid and I hope all will be well and you both will enjoy the beach. :) Good luck with your channel. I like what you do. Namaste.