
wow that is really cool.... now i need some of these seeds!! Very useful and beautiful to boot... Will it grow well in Arkansas??

They grow wild all over here, in Joplin. I can send you some seed once the fruits come on this season.

We are only 66 miles from Joplin.... why mail them? hahah lets do a seed exchange :)

Right on. ✊Come fall, we should get together and trade some of the seed we've saved!

Well, 66 miles apart. A seed exchange is very doable at that distance :D

I have seen wild ones in Arkansas. That is the first place I ever saw them. They were all over my uncle's horse pasture there!

Really? hmmm... so horses propagate them.......

Are you from Arkansas? I see you are in Indiana... i don't think i know anyone that lives in IN.

My aunt, uncle, and cousins all lived in northern Arkansas when I was 19-20ish. I went there to visit them a couple times.. Visits that lasted up to 3 months! lol.
Yeah I live in Indiana. It was 550 miles between here and there, but it was worth the mileage.