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RE: An Inside Look at the Life of a Writer

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Another great article. I'm not a full-time writer but I can attest to the reward you get by being able to write and being able to put down your thoughts in writing. It helps in expressing yourself.

The though that attracted me to this is my curiosity of 'how is it to be a full time writer?'

I also agree on the advise to just keep on swimming... I mean writing.

There's a ton of lessons here but one thing I may have overlooked is re-writing. I think it's one of the tasks that's inevitable to any writer. Re-writing in terms of omitting redundant words, phrases, or sentences.

Another lesson that stuck with me is to take on topics out of my comfort zone.


Editing can be a pain. What I tend to do is once I have written the first draft, I put it away for a day, or several. Then come back to it with fresh eyes. It really helps to do it this way I have found.

Being a full time writer is just that- you do all of this more than full time!

Thank you for this. This confirms that what I'm doing is right. :) Although not exactly the same. Usually it takes a couple of days for me to complete a post. Some come as a complete thought (ideal), but most or some of it I have to assemble part by part.

Hey, whatever works!

You are a wonderful addition :)

Thanks @arbitrarykitten. I appreciate it.