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RE: REMOTE PERCEPTION - one truly good conversation

in #writing6 years ago

Thank you for coming even though I insisted a little for you to visit:)

I beg to differ for the "regardless what others say" part.
There's no point in creating something just for oneself. You want to share it so that it gets feet and is not just spirit. It's not enough that only I have fun with it, even if it's the most important part. If you haven't seen, heard and felt what you're doing in this world through what is feeding you back, it's very difficult to live a happy life. You want, for example, your courses to be attended and thus share something with the world. ;-)

Your musing on fiction and objective truth cracked minds and is a fascinating object to look at. I think for the most part our mind is constructing it's reality and everything which is not being done by hands and feet but achieved through thinking is for a huge part already construction if one is not careful.

I am so looking forward to get to see you in Hamburg!