Honesty and Tinder, my sincerest apologies

in #writing6 years ago

When we matched on tinder, the first of the seconds thoughts came. It would've been best to listen to those thoughts to begin with.

But when she flashed her boob on Snapchat, the last reasonable thought I had died. When I told my roommate, Nina, that a girl in Coeur D' Alene wanted me to come over to hook up, she immediately threw me her keys and I took off in her car. It all escalated so quickly, pretty soon I was parking outside her apartment.

She was standing on the balcony and waving at me. I waved back, a knot of apprehension building in the back of my mind. I climbed the stairs and opened her door. She was short, blonde, and skinny. She was nice enough, a little too sweet, and way too over eager. She was laughing awkwardly at everything I said. As I was taking off my boots, she said, "let's watch some TV." We sat on the couch and started watching Parks and Rec.

I was beginning to relax a little, the problem was that I wasn't really attracted to her. Then Netflix started buffering, she pounced on me and started to kissing me ferociously. She was jamming her tongue rigidly into my mouth and I was searching my mind for a way to escape gracefully. A bit of her saliva was running down my cheek while I thought. Faking a text felt too obvious, suddenly remembering an obligation seemed obvious as well. I was trying to avoid hurting this poor girl's feelings, but I had to find a way to get out of there.

Then an idea struck me. I had drove Nina's car, I could just tell her that Nina left her inhaler in the car and I had to get it back to her right away. So, in a way, Nina's inhaler rescued me. But that isn't how things went...

She sat back on her feet, breathing heavily, she winked and said, "Maybe we should take this back to my bedroom." Now was my chance, but my mind went blank and I told the truth. Looking into her shaky, blue eyes, I said, "actually, I'm not aroused at all right now and I think it's best that I go."

"Oh, um... okay." she was dazed and I wasn't far off. I stood up from her couch, I slipped on my jacket and started to leave. But I forgot, I had worn my long, lace up boots. I put on my boots and laced them up as she stared angrily at me. She was still sitting where I had left her. She kept staring and I felt the need to keep an eye on her while I finished tying.

I wasn't sure whether it was appropriate to say goodnight, so I sputtered an awkward goodbye and left.
I'm not sure honesty is always the best policy. But I decided I would never go on a date with a girl I'm not attracted to again.


Lmao you had a lot of thoughts while she was making out with you. The inhaler stuff would have been so funny but she would know. Finally it’s good to see some honesty from men . People bring men down but that they don’t like, they don’t touch