in #writing6 years ago (edited)


Ladies are very interesting species, and the earlier you get to understand their POV on very trivial and also important matters, the better you start living. I will take you through series of issues that men tend to overlook.

Be my friend

You need to get this stuck in the corners of your brain; sex isn’t food for women. Yes, I know some ladies have through actions, made this thought of mine null and void. That still doesn’t negate the fact that there are a few in the world today that think with their heads and not the sensations that course through their bodies. So you have this girl/lady who stays in the same building as you do, she always comes around probably because you are good company or that her roomie is as boring as the movie PUBLIC ENEMIES. It could be that she just doesn’t like to be alone and she prefers being around you. Now, most guys start feeling too important and then one thing leads to another, they misbehave and loose a friend.
She might even come to your room at night and stay late, in her nighties (now I know that’s a serious issue, lol), but you wouldn’t blame her, she obviously likes you and she intends to leave it at that level. Respect her and even if something has to happen betwixt you too….. RUN AWAY. What many men fail to understand is that ladies are better friends than guys.


Yeap, I know this is a sore topic. These women have gotten a PhD is annoying people, and they sure do not hide their certificates. No matter who is at fault, be the man, swallow your testosterone and apologize. Fact is, it will take nothing from you, not even as much as bruise your ”dignity”.

Never Hit a Lady

Quick question:

Why do you ladies throw the first punch?
Why do you derive joy is battering our chests with your tiny paper-like fists?

Well, you guys should take the beating and man up. You obviously have stronger bones. So win the endurance test and keep your woman… except you are married to or dating Jill Mills, then you have to fight because your life depends on it.

Always ask them how their day went

This is not restricted to couples, every lady wants to be and feel loved. Now be prepared because the moment you inquire about her day, you are about to listen to a two-hour non-stop movie which the narrator wouldn’t even take a break to catch her breath.

These women need to vent off someone, now thanks to steemit and guys who do not care, they can vent here for the community and rewarded for it.

Carry her Handbag

No woman will ever ask you to get her bag when the two of you are walking. I think it’s rather gentlemanly to do it though. The next time you walk with your lady, get her bag, or maybe get the groceries you guys went shopping for, and intentionally look back to see her smile reach her ears.

Propose Now

Why do you men date a woman for 7 years… what are you two looking for? Why keep her off the market for 7 long years in a misguided, non-directional eternal dating cycle. Every time you take her out for a lovely dinner, her hopes climax and you shatter them year after year.


Young woman how about you? When will you wake up, simply just walk out of that prison and live.


Yours truly @klynic


Catch me live on clinic-fm every monday @8pm GMT+1, so we can talk about all your matters.
Tune in to clinic-fm every day of the week, same time, We always have something cool for you to enjoy.
clinic fm.png


Well said.
Women truly have Ph.Ds in annoying guys😡.
They can smile when you help them to carry their bags or buckle their sandals.
Never hit a lady.
Girls are better friends to guys that they are to their fellow girls.

The only thing I don't agree on is the relationship part. I want the 4-6 year relationship that leads to marriage that will last forever.

4 - 6 years? WHAT? Dating ? interesting...

Yes. A 4-6 year relationship that leads to marriage. the kind of relationship were the person becomes your friend, sister/brother, business partner,lover etc.
i intend to get married to someone that has gone through a lot with me, that has seen me at my worst and my best and I too have seen the worst and best of her... if we decide to stay together after all that then it will be solid. all these take time.


Mmmm. Brother six years of dating??? Not even engagement things. WOW!!!!

2 years is enough biko

tell him sister

There's more...

definitely more ma'am....
care to share?

  • We won't tell you we want a cuddle, once we turn over to the opposite direction, you should know what to do

  • we won't tell you we need a hand in the kitchen, when we are taking more time than normal, just show face

  • we won't tell you we are jealous, once we start asking unnecessary questions, don't wait till we explode before you make us understand....

I know we could be difficult at times but anything for the attention

@klynic you could also tell us what men wouldn't tell us so we know where to fit in

definitely dear.
I intentionally left the romance out

That would be a post for another day, maybe 2mao.
That will be strictly +18 haha

I'm waiting...

Lol.. i totally agree with you @vheobong

True thou, but the first one thou 😅, girls are different so guys need to be careful

As a guy I did the handbag thing, it was a (not as awkward) way to move into a hand hold or get a vibe for what direction a friendship might be headed.

hahaha, you got that one right.

This was a funny and enlightening post. Wait ooo, why don't the ladies swallow their own oestrogen and apologise sometimes self 😏😏. This was a lovely read Bro...

Thank you sir

I dunno why they cannot swallow their own oestrogen o...
Then you'll start hearing like "what a man can do, a woman can do even ..."
let me stop there

Our oestrogen can't be swallowed

Why not, is it bigger than our egos?

you are looking for trouble 00


Bigger than big sef

How's that even possible, I disagree 😝

Nnaa, see work 😒, lol.
Nice read though. 👍👍

how is it work? haha
You find it hard to do?

I was following you until the picture of that guy carrying the handbag.

I get where you are coming from, but to be honest this should just be applied to 'people'. Why does it have to be linked to a specific gender?
What makes women so special? People read these posts and start to believe that they have to do all these things because somebody else said so.

When in reality, it doesn't matter if it's a woman or a bloke. Just be respectful and kind. It's not that hard.


No woman will ever ask you to get her bag when the two of you are walking
Now I only said that I encourage it, because I do it. Plus it doesn't hurt.
Every gender is special.
I just wrote about how special the female gender is... this in no way undermines how important and unique me are.


When in reality, it doesn't matter if it's a woman or a bloke. Just be respectful and kind. It's not that hard.


My mind just switched off when I saw that picture haha. I just think the whole stigma surrounding 'women praising' is crazy. I'm by no means a woman hater or somebody who treats people like shit. I just find that it ends up being expected to a ridiculous degree.

The cringe when you see women who call themselves a princess. Get a grip.

LOL, I get the feeling. It gets into the head of some. Some others are better mothers, sisters, and lovers because of it.


@klynic please do a post telling us what men wouldn't tell us, i guess this would make @calumam understand that every gender his special

lol, he sure has his point dear, I will for sure do one for the guys. Ladies better be ready.

Girls and their wahala sha. 😯

Interesting ......👏🏼

Aww. My husband carries my handbag. I like that item in the list. It's a nice, loving touch.

thank you so muc. He sure is a gentle man

Lol! Well said ;)

thank you ma'am

LOL. Interesting one @klynic. I love this topic. All ye men come and read and learn o.

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Girls Sha. Doing most of the things listed above.am sounding like the perfect guy right. Although I still learnt one or two things from the post.

Thank you for learning....😂

Mr love doctor my bones are fragile too 😂

@klynic the love doctor!!! I agree wih everything you said though, but apologising first all the time??? Nah, not really, most times maybe, but all thr time, no. I hope you'll have a special valentines day session on clinic FM tomorrow, I'd love to be a part of that. Let's hash thins out with the ladies.

haha, wednesday is for scarlett, it's titled wacky wednesday, I am sure they there is a plan for the Val people

Do agree with most things you said, I mean who the f*ck still hits women... But I've got to say carrying the bag is a no go for me... But hey what works for me doesn't necessarily make it right... And as for apologizing they always make us do that 😤😤😤😤 Well once in a while still always guilt trip them into saying sorry takes two to tango can't always be the one saying sorry 😈😈

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment