Worldbuilding Prompt - 7 - Kingdoms And Their Religions

in #writing3 years ago

Worldbuilding Weekly Prompt


Daily Prompt

Does your kingdom have any religions?

What kind of rules are there?

How much power does Religion have?

Are there any notable events or people tied to it?



The God Of Apandi Is Dead

Well, maybe not dead. But as you can see from the note above, the God that made Apandi has forgotten about his creation. The full text; "I kind of like the idea of it all being created by one God, long forgotten, that people think is many different gods. The God Long Forgotten is long gone and doesn't even remember that this universe exists."

And I still do like this idea. But, if you remember from a few prompts ago I mentioned that the Wood-elves received 5 plants from their God that helped them ride out the cataclysmic eruption of Kaneznuba around a thousand years ago. This was a false God. The Wood Elves just got lucky and happened to discover the properties of these plants at the right time. There's an old Dwarven saying that relates to this; "Any sufficient coincidences may appear like divine intervention."

I'll be honest with you, though. This is just a cop-out because I don't feel I have any unique or interesting ideas for religion in my world. I may wish to explore religious aspects with a devout character at a later date, but I can just make that up as I get to it. I honestly find overly religious characters in books and TV to be annoying. Shirley from Community, for example. Yvette Nicole Brown's character only becomes enjoyable to me once the show stops beating you over the head that she's a devout Christian who can't wrap her head around Jews and Muslims.

I also like the idea of worldbuilding and doing everything BUT the bog-standard "Here's my pantheon of deities and Gods that only makes sense to me, and only gets used for one minor detail in my story! I'mma be the next Tolkien!" (not saying that Tolkien's gods are pointless, just saying a lot of people try to copy what he has done and may create it out of rote practice more than actual need.)

So, I guess this is me saying that I'm just a lazy atheist who doesn't think about religion. Whether that be in my fantasy world or the real one we live in.



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