Thoughts about moving house

in #writinglast year

We're hoping to move house soon. Not very far, about three miles down the road, a smaller town, a bigger house, a quieter location.

We're at the stage where the chain is complete and it's fairly short, our buyers are first-timers, our vendors are buying from someone who isn't buying somewhere themselves, so that's all good. It just means we're in the bit of the process where we're pretty sure it will all work out, but lots of things could still go wrong or delay us. And there's lots of stoopid paperwork to do.

So I'm looking for positive stories. One is that I discovered a new bus that I didn't know about! It only runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays but it goes right past the end of our new road and all the way to our GP's surgery - amazing! Being with that surgery has been a pain in the ass for a long time because it's a hard to get to on public transport (no one believes that a 58-year-old man doesn't drive or even own a car or a bicycle, but it's true!) I can't believe my luck! (note for readers not in UK, this is sarcasm or self-deprecating exaggeration - if you're wondering why I'm so excited about something so tiny and trivial, it's because I'm not really as excited as I'm making out. Crazy British people huh?!)

Another aspect of the house we're buying that is keeping me positive is that it has a garage. Now, rewind a few lines to see that I don't own a car or a bicycle. It's true! And so the garage will obviously get turned into a studio for me to work and play in. It's about 16 feet by 11 feet, so big enough for work surfaces, storage and perhaps some comfy chairs. The idea is to convert it properly into a room and get rid of the existing garage door (the people who have it at the moment don't use it for a car - the doorway is just too narrow). So it will take some time and expense, but thinking through how all the things that currently sit in my front bedroom (including in wardrobes and under the spare bed) could be stored nicely and accessible to work with is all very exciting.

Oh the downside is that Mrs Davis has decided that I no longer have any good reason for us not to have a cat. And I have had to conced that she's right.


I hope the move goes smoothly. We just sold a house that belonged to a relative and there were a few small glitches along the way. All done now and we dutifully paid our capital gains.

I really wonder how many garages are used for cars. Most I have seen are full of stuff. We opted not to have one when we built our house, but then the loft is pretty full. Having a study/studio seems a much better option.