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RE: The Powerful Magic of Words and How to Harness it for Steemit

in #writing7 years ago

The copying ad copy is an interesting method, I haven't heard anyone recommend that before. Very interesting idea indeed!

I also had no idea that English was your second language! You have a mastery of the language that many high school graduates here in the US do not. That is admirable!

I've been at this since August, and have managed to get to a point where my posts are reliably around $2 and change. I've been hitting the bots for a day 6 boost the last few days to build up some SP and SBD at payout, so my last few days of blogs look a little wonky based on that $2 assertion, but it is true.

I did buy in with about $500 USD over the course of time. But I have also removed some of my earnings to various other investments in crypto. So to say that four months in my account has a valuation of over $3000 is pretty darn good, considering my 10+ year old Facebook account has no value.

All that to say that, based on your story of not making anything over the first two years of blogging, I understand I am miles ahead of where you were. But I am also worlds away from where I want to be! So just gotta get up each day and keep working it! Effort shows, and in the end, those who make the effort are the ones who will succeed! That is my belief.

Another great article! Thanks for sharing!


You have a mastery of the language that many high school graduates here in the US do not. That is admirable!

Absolutely true words.