Fighting Gravity

in #writing2 years ago

When Damien joined the crew, he had no idea what to expect. He felt out of place at first, but everyone was kind, supportive, and informative. The superstars of this crew were clearly in charge.

The crew went on a spacewalk several days into their journey. Captain James (JTB) and Commander Peabody (PB) were still their usual personalities. Dee and Roger were exactly as they had appeared to Damien in the training session, only with an additional edge. The second OESS team, a guy named Jim and a girl named Debbie, had no presence. They were most likely drones, or not currently on the ship, Damien thought.

Damien was surprised when they arrived at the asteroid belt, where a remote asteroid was sitting. Further exploration of the asteroid showed it to be like all the others from many thousands of kilometers away. However, there was something different about this one. Once it was clear to them that there was nothing to do with the asteroid, the crew returned to orbit.

Damien's shift had just started when he noticed the strange asteroid in their orbital path. He tried to report this to the captain, but got no response.

They had just finished manoeuvrals, and the asteroid was directly in front of them. The spider-like ship was getting closer to the asteroid.

The captain's voice came onto the comms, "Are we in perfect orbit? We need to avoid this thing.

"We are perfectly in position, Captain, confirmed Dee.

"If I can get our position back, we can avoid this thing," barked the captain. He sounded rushed.

"Captain, came JTB, if we change position, we will lose our momentum, and the planet would not agree with that. The inertia required to place us back on orbit and keep us there will grav. We would need-.

"We will lose everything, if we hit this thing, and we will if we do not stop it, the captain interrupted. He sounded stressed.

"Mister Damien, if the captain orders us to get closer, do you think you can do it? PB was calm.

"I would take all precautions, ma'am. I would keep a safety margin between us, but I think we can do it.

"Do it, as quickly as you can, young man.

"Roger that, Ma'am. We're ready when you are.

"Damien, you have an almost perfect trajectory, get us there as soon as you can. Dawn is in fifteen minutes.

Damien took the captain's confidence and drew on his training. What he did was well within the limits of what he was able to do.

"Damien, have you memorized the asteroid's positions? PB called out.

"Yes, ma'am, I have.

"Do you know our velocity?

"Our current velocity points us towards the asteroid.

"You are almost perfect. Now get us there!

"Aye aye, Ma'am! Damien called out.

"Nearest approach engines, he called out to the operator.

"Nearest approach engines locked on, Captain, replied JTB.

"On approach, the pilot said.

"Captain, mark it as a priority asteroid. It is one of my most explosive type.

"I've marked it, replied the captain. He sounded tired.

"Sir, I can see it, Damien said. "Sir, we're at a distance of less than 20 km and zero gravity. He didn't want to risk detection by the asteroid's sensor.

"We've lost our momentum, we're losing speed, Damien looked up at their figures in the windows. Sir, we're going straight at it. Please tell the captain we are very close.

He looked out of the window again. "Sir, I see the asteroids shadow! he announced.

"Not another word, Damien! ordered the captain. "We'll look like we're flying, and we'll avoid the asteroid.

"Roger that, Damien said to JTB. We've lost a lot of momentum, Sir, about four kilometers. He sounded worried.

"Sir, I can see that bright spot, directly ahead, Damien called out.

"Give it to me, young man!" The captain called out.

"Okay, Captain!" Damien yelled back. The view on his center console showed the asteroids shadow.

The three ships were being pushed towards the asteroid by the centrifugal force of the asteroid.

"I see it, Damien, I see it. Please report back to the captain.

"Aye aye, Sir. It's in front of us. It's about three kilometers in diameter. I'm having trouble getting a tight target lock. Sir, it's heading towards us.

"Roger that. Try every trick you know. You are getting closer.

"I'm pleased to hear that, Sir. He had made it less than 10 meters away. They were approaching the asteroid's surface pretty quickly.

"Damien, what is the current vector? asked JTB.

"I have the -270 heading, it's been with us for some time, Sir.

"Damien, you must get us closer," PB said. "You might have to sacrifice us, but you could get us close enough to do it.

"The last 20 meters will be tough, ma'am. I'm struggling against gravity that doesn't match the asteroid's. I might have to use more thrusters.

"This is not a time for efficiency, Damien. Do what you have to do to get us through the last 30 meters. Do not leave us with the OESS units.

"I won't, ma'am. We're less than 20 meters from the surface now, the gravity is changing. I'll have to get used to it.

"Do what you have to do..

"Sir, we have almost to the surface. I'm ready when you give the word.

"Damien, good job. We are going to bring you in as close as I can. At this moment, you have to increase your thrust to stay off the surface. I'm going to bring us in to match your velocity. I hope our two ships shall meet, at the last second."

"I'm ready, Captain," replied Damien.

"My ships will now move towards yours. You keep up, and let's see what happens.

"I'm doing my best, Captain, replied Damien. His voice was getting forced, he had not anticipated this last bit.

"Damien, I'm bringing in too fast. We might hit you before you can bring us in.

"You can't change your speed, Captain. I see that," answered Damien. The view on his console showed the asteroid and the ships.

"I'm trying to bring us in at about 90 degrees, Captain. We're moving so fast I am in danger of hitting you first. I'm not close, but I think we shall meet.

"Good job, Damien. At this moment, you are going to have to cut your thrust. I'm going to try to get us there as soon as possible. Keep up with the asteroid's rotation, and I'm going to start moving towards you.

"The OESS ships are starting their rotation, Captain, Damien called out. He heard some giggles over the comms.

"Don't do that, young man. You need to remember who's asking you to do this.

"Sorry, Captain. We're less than 1,100 meters away and moving pretty fast. I think we will meet.

"That would be the perfect outcome. I'm going to bring us up to your speed. I don't know how much thrust you'll need to stay away from the asteroid..

"I'm doing my best, Captain. The ship is going over it, this is not good. I'm having problems, Captain.

"Damien, it's difficult, I know. We have to stop, this is not good. I'm trying to go at the same speed, but it's not good, please don't make me change, Sir.

The view on his console was only half functional, the other half was covered by the OESS crew:

PB, JTB, the engineer (Sky), and the pilot.

Their view of the asteroid's shadow showed a big dark spot in the middle of the asteroid, and two smaller ones on the side.

"Captain, I can't bring us in. It feels like there is gravity at the two smaller spots, we're moving too fast, please stop it, Damien cried out in a panic.

"Damien, you are going to have to stop it. I'm sorry, I'm going to come right up to you. No further, or we will collide.

"Captain, don't you see the big spot on the side, we're going too fast. Please don't go so close. You'll never get away, Damien pleaded.

"Damien, THE SPOTS ARE GRAVITY. I've slowed down at this moment, I've lost your signal.

The view on the console changed. It now showed the ship moving straight ahead all by itself. The asteroid was about 400 meters away.

Damien, the ship is moving. It's really quick, don't know what's happening here! It's going to hit! Sir, I can't hold it any longer here, I can't hold... Damien cried out. It was all over in a few seconds.

There was a blinding flash, then silence.

Captain, the engine is dead, called out the engineer.

Damien, Damien! Damien, PB called out in total panic. All four OESS members were looking at the console and holding their mouths in shock. Damien, answer me, PB cried. She then stood and shouted loud enough for the others to hear.

Engineer, contact the team, we'll send them now. Engineers, that was never an option, steer the ships towards the surface of the asteroid. Get to the engines and start them up, as soon as you are on the surface, use thrusters to move away from the two spots. Okay, make sure you don't touch the surface. Move this happens we will blow up with the biggest explosion that's ever been.

PB slumped down against the wall and held her head in her hands. She thought, "it's all gone wrong. My body is moving but my brain is not. I am losing my grip. The four of them have just seen a huge explosion and haven't processed it yet.

She slid down to the floor. I thought Damien would make it. Maybe I'm wrong about him. Maybe I'm wrong about us. Maybe I'm wrong about hell. Maybe I am wrong about anything, she cried.

She stayed sobbing on the floor. She had not prayed in years. I can't pray. I can't pray. I just can't pray, she kept crying.
