Planet in Sight

in #writing2 years ago

As the ship raced through empty space, I wondered what I was thinking. I had to betray everything I had ever been taught about my mission. I couldn't leave this planet without her.

When we arrived on the planet, my crew was less than welcoming. I had thought they were just grumpy from their long trip, but now I wonder if it was my own betrayal they were grumpy about.

I had been a captain for so long, I hadn't considered there might be any other path for me to take.

I watched my crew go about their tasks, making sure everyone was busy. Half of them were training for a physical fight ahead. The others were making sure the ship was ready for what was ahead.

I didn't begrudge anyone their role. We all needed to do our part and I would leave that to worry about in the future.

None of my crew noticed me standing on the bridge of the ship, looking at the view. The planet awed me and I couldn't look away. I knew that I would always remember this moment, standing on my ship, seeing the view of this beautiful planet.

As I was admiring the view of the planet, I heard footsteps. I turned to face the approaching person. I saw it was the girl, walking toward me slowly.

She was impossibly beautiful. She was petite, with long black hair. She had light blue eyes and I noticed that a small part at the bottom of her left eye was missing.

She looked at me, realizing I was alive and nearby.

It is good to see you are alive and well. We expected you to come to us peacefully. Tears swelled in her eyes as she spoke, But that was before we realized... she looked down at the floor, confused.

I wondered what she had realized. Was there some completely new revelation she was missing?

As she continued to stand there, I decided to say something. I closed the distance between us and embraced her. I relaxed and she started to cry. I held her as she cried, wondering what was happening to me.

I could feel her lack of strength. I knew that she wasn't a warrior. She wasn't a killer. I knew that she would have no idea how to hurt me. I wondered why I still felt the need to defend myself.

As she calmed down, her eyes met mine. I saw a spark in them. I stayed in the embrace, holding her. I could feel her arms wrap around me.

Don't you realize that we wanted you to come peacefully" I gazed into her eyes "You have no idea how long we have waited for you. We knew you would never come peacefully. We knew you were never coming to us on your own terms. We had to bring you to us, because we knew you were fated to be with us.

I thought back to when I was first chosen for the mission. I was selected because I believed in what I was doing. I thought I had a clear mission objective. I never questioned the reason and I never thought about it. I just lived, thinking I was helping everyone.

I had so many questions. I wanted to know, no, I needed to know everything. I needed to find out what we were really doing here. I had to know who they were and why they wanted us here.

She looked me in the eyes and saw my curiosity. "Why don't you come and ask your questions? You have so many of them, and I have so many answers.

As she spoke, it was as if her entire body became illuminated from inside like fine crystal. Her face glowed with a beautiful radiance and her hair seemed so soft and delicate.

I wondered when my defenses had disappeared. I didn't remember setting them aside. My belief system had been one of the most important parts of my life. I had sacrificed much to maintain my beliefs and to hold onto my identity as a warrior, but now it was all just gone.

She smiled and I felt her warmth. I was drawn to her for some reason, but I didn't understand why. I remembered disobeying my orders, but I didn't think it counted. I thought nothing could stop me from allowing myself to love this creature.

All of your secrets, all of them. She motioned with her hand, We have never been kept from you. We have never been lied to. We have been nothing but honest with you. Both of you. The two of you were always so different, but both of you had the same idea. You each wanted the same thing. You really belong to each other. This is all just a surprise. We knew it was coming, but we didn't know when.

The tears started in my eyes. I thought you were different. I thought you were different, than who you are. I didn't know you could lie to me like this. I closed my eyes and remembered her lying to me. "I know why you left us. I didn't want to figure out the whole big puzzle, so I just ran. I left, thinking you were different than what I was told you were. I didn't want to figure out the whole puzzle and leave you.

I thought you were like me. I loved you and I never understood why you left. I was hurt that you didn't come for us. I was angry that you ran when I needed you. I couldn't believe you would run. I didn't understand why you would try to hurt the man I loved. I wanted to know why you left me. I was crying harder now.

She wrapped her arms around me and held me tighter. She spoke softly, I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. Please forgive me.

The ship felt warm. The view of the planet was beautiful. She felt perfect in my arms. There were no more lies and we were together. Everything else didn't matter anymore.

I laughed, bitterly and she smiled. "Don't laugh. I know it's not funny, but I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't know how to live without you anymore, and now that the planet is in my view, it's so beautiful that it makes me cry. I'm a warrior, but I'm crying, but I don't know why.

I guess I'm crying, because there are no more lies, and because... well I don't know why. I don't know why things turned out this way, but I'm crying, and there are no more lies. I'm not a warrior any more and I don't know why.

She was silent for a moment; listening to me. Stop crying. I know it's not funny, and I know you are confused. I love you, and everything is all right now. We don't have to worry about anything else. I know you have so many questions and we have so many answers. We always will.

I could feel the warmth of this creature and the love that she showed to me, even now. The memory of her struck me with incredible force, but as I thought about it, I knew this was right. We were together. She didn't lie to me and we would be together. It was right to be with her, but something still puzzled me.

"We always will what?" I asked.

She looked into my eyes with incredible compassion. "We will always work together. I love you and I won't ever hurt you. Please believe me.

I do believe you, but I think I know why you were sent with us." I thought about it for a minute and then answered, "We were sent together to be like 'The Three Musketeers'. That's why they sent me with a cyborg, like you. Your mission was to be with me and keep me sane. This is why you look like me. This is the ship...

I woke up. My ship was shaking. The noise of people talking could be heard on the bridge, but I didn't understand it. Then I remembered that we were coming in too hot and that we had to open the doors and lower the landing gear. The crew was trying to prepare the ship.

I looked up at the view screen and saw the planet. I looked at the monitor and saw the door being lowered. I could see the ocean of our future planet and I knew that everything was going to be okay.

I remembered what happened as I watched the distant red sky of the planet. I was crying, because we lost all of the people on the planet to a terrible disease. That was why we were called here. We were sent out as a rescue crew and called to answer the call for help. In our haste, we rushed ourselves.

We forgot to respect their planet or their people. We lied and we took what we wanted from them. I left her and I left everything; because I had thought I was helping everyone. I was following orders, and was trying to deal with everything. I didn't think I had a choice.

I was confused and scared, but now I know that we will always work together. We will be the Three Musketeers, we will always share our universe, and love each other. I will remember this forever and ever.

I laughed at the idea of us being like the three musketeers. She looked at me, like I was crazy and said, "Stop laughing, I know it's not funny, but I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't know how to live without you anymore, and now that the planet is in my view, it's so beautiful that it makes me cry.

I'm a warrior, but I'm crying, but I don't know why. I guess I'm crying, because there are no more lies, and because... well I don't know why. I don't know why things turned out this way, but I'm crying, and there are no more lies.

I'm not a warrior any more and I don't know why. This is all just a surprise.



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