Strange Creatures Of the Enchanted Forest

in #writing2 years ago

The strange creatures there were silver. They were different from any of the creatures in the environs of the forest. The ones that lived there were powerful and mightily grown .

"We need to defend ourselves from intruders. The old man said to a gathering crowd of genies.

"What should we do? Asked one of the genie men.

"I don't know" the old man's face was full of wrinkles and dread, there was much uncertainty in the aura of his being, the old man was fearful.

"You must do something said another genie man.

"We have to defeat them before they land in the earth. The old man said to the gathering crowd.

The other genie men agreed.

They looked around and the old man said: I have sent the phoenix bird to tell the queen about the strange new creatures coming to our home.

They waited there for what seemed like an eternity until the phoenix bird returned with the answer from the queen.

Then a hail of arrows were sent from the hands of the genies to meet the strange creatures as they were coming to earth. The arrows looked golden and had the power to destroy anything that met them. The strange creatures were quick to retreat.

There were not too many arrows sent at them. The strange creatures quickly got back to the sky and disappeared.

The next night the same time, different creatures came again. They were carrying a strange object. They took it and put it under the earth.

We will wait for you to revive it. One of the strange creatures said.

We will fight you with all our power and cast dispellment spells on you." The genies also said.

The battle begins now. We will never leave this place the strange creatures said to the genies.

The battle between the creatures and the genies became more and more intense.The light of the arrows and other magic used by the genies were blinding.

Some of the creatures found their way through the magical spells of the genies. They went under the ground with the strange object they had brought with them. When they came back they were ready to attack. It was a war.

They were ready to attack. It was a war.

The genies were defeated. Their magic power was not strong enough to defeat the strange creatures. The queen herself came down from heaven to see what was happening. She was a beautiful phoenix with a lot of magic. When she came down from heaven she was surrounded by a glow of staggering proportions.

Who are you who has invaded my forest and invaded my home. You who have dispelled me of my magic power? Know that this is forbidden. You have dispelled me of my magic power and you have destroyed my forest. You have destroyed my home, your home. We will be here to destroy you in turn.

The queen said all that she could say to humiliate them and humiliate her forest and her home. She said all that this way, in order to make them be more vulnerable, she had given them the information that they were doing something bad. She just needed them to come near to the ground so that she could use all the magic power she had within herself, in one single attack.

They all called on their great powers and spells. The queen was ready and all the trees ceased to be. In their place the trees were ready to attack the strange creatures and to be ready to defend the ground.

There were many trees that were ready to attack the strange creatures. The strange creatures were angry to see the trees coming to life. They were also frightened because they did not know what was happening. They retired in the sky and it didn't take long before they realized they had been defeated.

They were defeated. They realized they had been defeated.

They talked for a long time about what had happened. They decided that the best thing to do was to hide themselves. They wanted to find out what had happened to their enemy. They wanted to find out how it had been able to defeat them.

The strange creatures that had returned to their home were powerful and let themselves be guided by their strongest.

The stronger the strange creature were, the stronger were the ones that were used to do the odd jobs in the house. It wasn't long before they found where the strange creatures had hidden themselves. They found them hiding under the earth.

They found them hiding under the earth.

The strange creatures sent word to their leader and waited for what they knew would happen. They tried to do a secret operation but their leader was warned of what was going on by their servants and he destroyed them.

He knew that he had to do something or he would lose his position as a leader. He and his small team of leaders decided to attack the strange creatures, to destroy them completely and to make them leave the earth.

"The small team of leaders decided to attack the strange creatures".

When the leader went to the underground place to find the strange creatures that were hiding under the earth, he saw all of their light getting weaker and weaker. He knew then that they were not far from the surface and needed to go back.

When the leader saw that the light was getting weaker.

He went back to his small team of leaders and told them what he had seen.

They saw that the light was getting weaker and weaker.

They all agreed to strengthen the group of creatures and to counter attack the race that was hiding under the earth and trying to take the earth from them.They also decided to go after their leader who had not returned very soon and to take him alive.

"They decided to strengthen their team, to go after their leader to take him cleanly, alive''.

They sent the messenger birds again to their leader to tell him that things are about to happen.

"They sent the messenger birds again telling him things will happen.

"How did you find us?" The leader asked his 'servants'.

The servants had found them from the sounds of the rocks.

"How did you find each other again in this world of rocks?"

They said that they had entered a river that they were following and suddenly they had found them.

"They said they had found them again when they entered a river".

It was a small river not far from the place where they had hidden themselves.It was raining, a beautiful, clear and fresh rain. It was a very small river, very rocky and very full of stones.

"It was a very small river full of stones. "

They had entered the river and suddenly they had found them; they were lying under the rocks.

"They said they entered the river and unexpectedly they had found them; they were lying under the rocks".

The rocks around them had cracked and the sky was clear and now the rain was beginning to get heavier.

The leader sent his servants to help them to escape out of the river, to escape out of the rocks. The river was very narrow, very rocky and full of stones.When they had arrived they were carrying the strange creatures on their backs and the leader was passing by their side.

They were passing by the side of the river and the rocks had cracked and the queen was passing by their side. She was carrying the leader on her back. It was not long before they broke the surface of the ground and they found themselves flying above the sky.

The queen put the leader down on the ground and he stood up looking at her, looking at his servants and looking at his enemies. The queen looked at him and he looked back at the queen. Both of them looked at each other and there was a lot of hatred between them.
