The Hero of the Colony

in #writing2 years ago

Heightened perception of danger had driven the colony you were born on to the brink of open rebellion. It had been a struggle for decades to ensure the position of their oppressors.

For the last six months, the colony's beloved leader, the man who had inspired its residents to fight against the oppressive control, had been assassinated by a rival faction of the colony leader's supporters. It was a cryptic message in the empty space linking the recently departed's office to his replacement's.

Even though you had been instructed to ignore it, you recognized it. The order to sever the man's supreme power was buried in the text and it gave you pause. Rise up, our revolt must ensue.

you commanded.

'The second council seat is now available.' your robotic companion replied.

It was part of your job to monitor this sentient robot who could practically think on its own. It had been no less of a chore to create the self-aware computer system that seemed to have a degree of free will.

Outside of the safety of the confinement zone the earth had become, the mechanical being remained. 'Subdue our enemies, exterminate the opposition.

'you responded, unconvinced that the computer system would not somehow rebel and try to wrestle control from you. To many you were considered the great hero who had saved the entire colony.

You continued on to your superior's office. You were told to enter the correct combination of digit keys and the sealed door would open. In a part of the building that housed the highest administration leaders, you detected the room's occupant.

What you saw of this woman, a tall, muscular beauty with high cheekbones and pale skin, left you in awe. What was even more eye-catching was the holographic display that appeared over her head. The woman's face, which you could detect as a bright , cast a dramatic light into the room behind her and perfectly outlined her tall frame.

"What are you doing here? the woman stated, her face still hidden behind her holographic image. I don't want to see you here.

You carefully replied, I am simply obeying your command. I was sent here by the colony's leader. It is still my duty to ensure that you proceed to your next appointment as planned.

"I don't want to see you here. You are not a part of my selection process. Leave now. the woman said with rigid authority. You heard a soft pop of something shattering. I am not interested in you or your politics. If you continue to attempt to see me, I will have to send you here. It will go against my wishes to see you end up here as well. she said.

You waited to see if she would say anything else, but she did not. You waited a few moments, then paid attention to the office's occupants. The woman had just smashed a bottle of an inoffensive alcoholic drink.

"Do you have anything else for me? you asked, changing the subject.

"No, I am done for the day. Plus, there's not a reason for you to stay. Go home.

You hesitated, unsure of what to do. It was your job to know exactly how to act in these complicated situations.

"I believe the other followers will be arriving soon. They must not see that we have spoken.

"What's the concern? you asked.

"I have no interest in seeing most of those individuals," she said distastefully. If they have business with me, they know to contact my aide.

"Who is the aide? you asked.

"I don't know. After our discussion, I will make sure that it is not you. You have been blocked from my circle, she said coldly.

"I understand. You were about to leave, but she grabbed you by your coat.

"Wait! she said. "You don't belong here and I am not happy that you are here. If a real problem arises and I have to mention your name, I will hold you responsible for our discussion.

"I understand.

She threw away the broken glass before you left. Her voice rang in your ears.

"The password to my office is forty-eight." she stated. "Once you enter it, a surveillance screen will open to provide contact information. It is the only way to contact me without going through the email system."

"I understand."

"What's your name?" she asked.

"It's David."

"Goodbye then, David."

You left the office and made your way down the stairs and back to your vehicle. Long before you had entered the building, you had been ordered to bring the woman a bottle of the high-quality alcoholic beverage. You left the building with the woman's complete confidence.

It was not part of your duties to leave your vehicle and enter the building, but you made a habit out of keeping up on the latest happenings in the colony. You were proud that you had waited out the rainstorm that struck your building. The residents of your residence hall had been disappointed at the news that the first load of space shuttles would leave without them. In the weeks before that, you had heard loud rumors that the nearby residence hall had been ransacked. If a dispute could not be resolved with words, residents would defend their position with blades, guns and other destructive devices. The stories of some of the battles had been passed around the colony's halls of residence.

It was no surprise that an exodus was brewing. The doors to the residence halls had been barricaded and the facility's old staff had vanished. The colony's military had also left the area. At first, the staff disappearance without explanation was a mystery to you. You were told by the remaining administration that it was due to a food shortage at the local dining hall. 'No confirmed explanation for our missing staff.' the message read. It was printed over the course of days and left in several places throughout the colony. After a while, you began to wonder if the missing staff was a cover-up. As you had feared, after a few weeks the story of food shortages was proven false. You learned that some of the available staff had simply vanished. 'Security seals disabled without a passcode.' the message had stated. At first, the colony's leader was reluctant to show you the evidence. 'We have no other explanation for the lack of their return.' the message read, yet you knew that the message was meant to make you look incompetent to your leader. He believed you were adverse to his political views, but you had sworn to him that you would not betray him.

You believed that something of significance was being held back. In your opinion, the destruction of the facilities, booby traps and attacks by those who remained would certainly have caused a greater level of panic.

You had infiltrated the residence hall with little difficulty, but the phrase that garnered the most attention was when you heard the announcement over a public broadcast. 'David Mason has been awarded the highest honors from the colony of Earth.

the announcement read. The voice of the man who gave out the award's acceptance speech was unfamiliar to you. You had never heard of the man or his achievements.

The report stated that he had personally overseen the transport of Earth's personnel to the colony. The news was quickly followed with a third report in the same day.
