The Pyramid Project

in #writing2 years ago

The Chase

The picture of the pyramid and worshipper burn in full colour.

The man's head is almost entirely obscured by the curls. He is dressed in what appears to be tattered surplice fibers and a thin, soft mesh is draped over his shoulders. He has a thin beard and moustache. His hands are clasped together as if in prayer.

A streak of smoke flies from an unblemished nose he is breathing from. The camera zooms in for a closer look.

A library of books lie face down on a table beside him. The pages are scattered across the table and the man. He appears to be reading one of the books. Between pages a glowing light projects in front of him. The light slowly moves across the page. The man appears to stop every few seconds to ponder the contents of the book.

The screen switches to a dark haired man. His hands lay in a bowl of water. His eyes are closed. There is a glowing light between his eyes. His lips are moving. He is whispering softly.

Whispers of 'Xmen' can be heard from somewhere in the distance. They seem to be bouncing off vast rocks, carrying all the way to where we now stand. 'Xmen' can be heard again. A single tear rolls down the man's cheek. He opens one eye and takes in the light.

Silence. The camera slowly zooms in. The man seems to be looking into a camera lens. His hands clasp his face.

The scene dissolves into black.

A picture of peter capaldi sits on a wooden desk.

The cameraman runs the picture of the shadow running away across a black background. A light beams on his face. Tears fall from his eyes.

Peter capaldi looks distraught. He runs his trembling hands through his hair. He looks right at the camera and clicks his tongue.

As his image dissolves, the screen fades in to show a young woman leaning into a beaker of some shining liquid.

.this is what we may reasonably be able to achieve..

The camera zooms in.

"let it be known that the base and the first pyramid will be built in the UK. As will the next two pyramids. The plan is not complete but it is followed."

The scene switches to the beaker and then to a wide shot of the capaldi man's desk.

"let it be known that Geoffrey of macedon was inspired by this plan. however, macedon's pyramids where built by slaves. We will use the 'machines' our sponsors have given us. We will build each pyramid in the USA."

The scene switches to a scene of two men. They are wearing the same clothes as the capaldi man, the same hat. The camera slowly backs away from them. They stand by two tanks. A ratty, old plane sits on a runway before them. The writing reads."THEY FLY"

As the plane pulls away, the camera is inside it. We look around the cabin, breathing in the passengers.

The scene fades into a plane hangar, where a man sits on a red chair with his arms folded. His hat is tilted to one side.

The stewardess tips his chair. His arms flail out. The stewardess looks around. She is in a plane. A screen disappears behind her.

We hear a voice.

A man is sitting with a handful of letters. He is reading them and writing on them. He seems to be putting chunks of text into envelopes and writing a return address on them.

The camera switches to the woman again. She is wiping the side of the beaker for no apparent reason. She puts the rag in the sink and returns to the beaker.

The voice from earlier starts up again.

The scene is a simple one. It is just the capaldi man's desk. Stacks of newspapers and books are in front of him. On the top of the pile of newspapers is the face of a woman. The capaldi man is looking at her. A screen is written on the desk in front of him. He leans over it and his hat falls off.

He looks at the screen. He takes his seat behind his desk. Click! He looks at us. Click. He looks at the screen. He looks at us.

The camera switches to a list of addresses, names and addresses of people. The capaldi man glances at it. He tears off the sheet and crumples it up. He is inches from the camera.

He leans back and his head almost hits the ceiling. He scratches his head. He returns to the list. He scrolls through it and pauses on one name. He puts his finger on it and his eyes glow white. A circle of white light appears on the paper. The man's face fills the white circle of light.

The scene switches to the inside of a car. It is night time. The camera looks from outside through the car window. A rod of light runs the length of the car. The camera is inside the car. It zooms in to the back seat passenger window. It looks out of it.

The face of the man in the car can be seen. It is the capaldi man. He appears to be in deep thought. His eyes are pinkish looking.

Back to the front seat. The capaldi man's face turns in. It turns to the man in the front.

The capaldi man stares at the man in the front seat. It's obvious that he is angry.

The car pulls off and the capaldi man turns back to his seat. His eyes are shielded now by the visor of his hat. He looks out of the window.

A tall, muscular man dressed in black is standing on a street corner. He has no shoes and shoes no socks. He turns around to face us.

Someone slams on a car horn. The man in black looks to his left.

Two cars are rushing towards him.

We hear the sound of a plane taking off. It drowns out everything else.

The man in black runs into the road.

The cars run him over. He seems to be unscathed.

The sound of the plane fades.

The capaldi man's face emerges from the passenger side window. He is screaming.

The stick man on the wall is replaced by an outline of a figure.

A pyramid appears outside the capaldi man's office window. The capaldi man's face is changed.

A man is lying face down on the ground. A helicopter is landing next to him.

The capaldi man's face is replaced by the man on the floor. He turns his head to look at us.

The capaldi man's face is being held down by two guards. He is wearing a grey suit. His hands are bound behind him. His mouth is covered with a black cloth. The capaldi man's face reappears. He is looking down at the man on the ground. He looks up and looks straight into the camera.

He looks at us.

the people that control me who they are. They control the banks and the financial system. No bodies but the body of me, being given to me in my sleep and programmed to be used by them, so I think the more that are aware the more it will work for them. What all does it all mean we ask. What does it all mean to the pyramid project. The circle of what it all means.



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