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RE: I Got Cat Called...

in #writing4 years ago

I agree with you on the cat calling logic.

Its funny, in Canada you would be public enemy #1 for this comment

While globalizations is increasing, we haven’t been mixing with the darker skinned people for long so Finland is still majorly white and it’s safe to assume that most darker skinned people here haven’t been born here and thus their cultural heritage and behavior is very different from us.

I have been saying that for years from a neutral stand point and increasingly been called a racist or a Nazi over the years, then accused of white privilege (as a Ukrainian LOL). IN grade 10 the teachers said that's a good concerns to bring up about the melting pot and culture clash, now I cant state that without cause a scene with unpredictable emotional out lashes.


I don’t believe for a second I said anything wrong there. I’m sure those coming from for example Middle East or Africa say that Finnish people are cold and reserved, and it’s not an insult, it’s true. We are different.

I think it’s important and very interesting to talk about cultural differences. We can learn and even if we don’t agree, we can understand where the other person is coming from with their behavior. Talking about cultural differences is one of my favourite topics when ever I travel.

I enjoy the topic of how different we are too, but it is a dialogue that will get you unexpected reactions here and its usually from certain political groups with an agenda to manipulate free speech.

I think we can actually have these conversations here. Try the same on facebook, twitter or instagram and the leftists will destroy the talk even before it begun.

Thank you for being my favorite gal on Hive for this reason lol