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RE: Write As If You're Already Dead

in #writing7 years ago

@stellabelle, I never thought this possibility earlier before I read your blog. The deep feeling being dead, that releases a person from all worldly bondages and sets him free is indeed a very novel and powerful way to look at things.
I find in myself, the vices you mentioned above. I have a large ego, I write to the masses, I hide behind a mask, suppressing my true feelings and emotions so that I appear favorable in the eyes of people around.
But then this paradox. The only thing that is ever true is the awareness that we are alive. That awareness of being alive drives the self into this world of fight, competition , deceit, greed, hatred, anger, love, despair, jealousy, gratitude, forgiveness and many more such feelings combined with fight for survival and propagate.
What you proposed is exactly the opposite of that one truth of our awareness being alive and with that proposal comes everything that one cannot become being alive. So in one stroke everything connected with being alive is rendered to a naught and with death comes only truth and silence.
Feeling dead while alive is an antithesis to everything that a man is doing. All the feelings are gone, ego is gone, perhaps only truth and silence are there.
Your blog has set me thinking. May be I should stop playing to the gallery and just be like a child, no ego, no convoluted or warped games, no lies. Just be truthful to self and don't give in to any feelings. Like a dead person. Nothing exists within a corpse. But death is again the only other truth in life.