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RE: Be A Blogging Superhero

in #writing6 years ago

I'm agreed with all your words @gmuxx. Great way to write down those tips that often some people think about but don't actually know how to get to the point and start getting better (even if it looks like simples things, when we read it from another person is when we really pay attention and where we see our mistakes we've been doing).

As you ask at the bottom of this text, I would say that another very important tip for a better blog is blogging everyday, or at least 3 or 4 times at week. Why?, well, if you catch the eyes of a reader, maybe they will go for more or they will wait for the next day to find more about your topics, just because they like the way you wrote the first one they read. If you don't have an active looking blog, those readers will go away to find someone active who gives them those news, facts, reviews or whatever they post about but with fresh letters. The world is going fast, everyday there's a new movie, a new discovery, a new song, a new band, a new book and just in our life we find new stories to share day by day, so people wants to get going, and refresh the new day with some new news.

Once again, great post @gmuxx. Hope to read more from you soon. Have a nice writing!


While I agree that the more you write, the better writer you will become, I would caution against posting just for the sake of posting. Thanks for your reply.

That's definitely correct. If you're going to try posting more often, you will need to apply all tips you mentioned first on each writing.