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in #x1t3i7jcx4 years ago

'The Sims 4' is now just $5

"This is your chance to get The Sims 4 for a fraction of its original price if you've been thinking of giving it a shot. The game and some of its expansion packs are on sale for up to 75 percent off on EA's Origin platform and on Amazon. You can get t..."


PS5 技術說明影片將於 3 月 19 日凌晨公開

" 就在微軟公佈大量 Xbox Series X 的硬體細節後,Sony 終於準備要還擊了。公司剛才宣佈,美國官網會在本週四的凌晨 12 點上映「PS5 系統設計相關技術說明影片」,並由曾經為 PS4 操刀的 PS5 系統架構師兼《Knack》遊戲系列監製 Mark Cerny 主持,相信他會提供深入的技術分享。 Sony 自 CES 2020 的 PS5 logo 亮相以來都沒有提供進一步的官方消息,就只有之前提到的「2020 年聖誕季」上市日期以及一些初步系統細節。當時 Cerny 提到"


Motorola's rumored Edge+ flagship phone shown off in more leaked images

" We first heard rumblings of Motorola's newest flagship phone, the Motorola Edge+, earlier this month. Leaked renders showed a 6.7-inch phone with a bezel-free, curved-edge design and tiny hole-punch camera. Without Motorola's say so there's no way to tell if …"


Nintendo Switch online services went down worldwide

" We hope you weren't planning to play a few multiplayer rounds of Mario Kart or Splatoon while staying at home to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Nintendo's Switch online services went down around the world for hours, with the company's status page..."


That quirky e-reader you could draw on is back

" The second version of reMarkable, the e-paper table you can doodle on, is now available for pre-order. A Norwegian startup of the same name launched the original version back in 2017 to provide people an easy way to digitize handwritten notes. The company say…"


Sonos is releasing a new OS and controller app for its speakers this June

"Back in January, Sonos made the unpopular announcement that it wouldn't be providing new features for its oldest hardware products after May of this year. Since then, the company has sought to clarify that those devices will still work as they do now ; the co…"


YouTube 将暂时增加自动化内容管理的应用

" 平时只是会自动侦测有害内容,再交由人类进行复审的 YouTube 自动化管理系统,在新冠疫情期间工作将会「加重」,来弥补员工无法进入办公室上班的损失。基本上 YouTube 将允许自动化系统不复审就移除部份内容,但 YouTube 也承认这有可能会增加被移除的视频数目,包括其实并没有违反规定的视频。 YouTube 近来其实因为各种去收益化、版权认定及少儿保护问题,与内容创作者间的关系已变得颇为紧张,而允许自动化系统加大视频移除的力度,势必让问题更雪上加霜。YouTube"


Samsung's latest storage chip will make flagship smartphones faster

" Samsung has started mass production on 512GB storage chips based on the new eUFS 3.1 standard. These are the chips already being used in the company's Galaxy S20 lineup, so it won't be long before we see them turning up in models from other brands, too. And i…"


Sony will reveal more PlayStation 5 details in a livestream tomorrow

" It's time. In a tweet, Sony announced that it will be hosting a livestream tomorrow about the PlayStation 5. The broadcast will be hosted by Mark Cerny, the console's lead system architect (he spearheaded the PlayStation 4, too) and the director of b..."


Gatebox、二次元嫁との共同生活費を無料化 ただし本体は税別15万円

" LINE傘下のIoTベンチャーGateboxは、バーチャルホームロボット「Gatebox」の量産モデル(GTBX-100)のキャラクター「逢妻ヒカリ」の共同生活費を無料にすると発表しました。 Gateboxは、プロジェクション技術とセンシング技術を組み合わせ、円筒形の装置に投影した3Dキャラクターとコミュニケーションをとることが可能な製品です。本体代金は税別15万円で、これとは別に好きなキャラクターやコンテンツを個別に購入することで利用できます。"

