
I guess I have lost nothing truly because I am here and what I thought I lost got me here. @gcalex 🥂🍾

Quite thought provoking a question it is.

It is all about once way of thinking. If we take a positive note of lisses we would realize they were meant to empty our hands to refil them with better stuff

If here means Hive, then I am blessed to be here.
I wish I could connect with you somewhere other than hive.
Thank you so much Alex for blessing me, I am so touched that I could cry.

Thank you for the delegation and thank you for the hive gift. I really appreciate it.
How can I thank you? I can't even thank you enough, I am so so so so so grateful. God bless you richly.

YOU and your generation will never ever experience lack in Jesus' name AMEN.


Good Morning gcalex; just wanted to drop you a message to let you know how appreciative I have been of the delegation you've had sitting with me over the last couple of months. It really was just a blessing, thanks a million, and a million times over again. Tim

Hey bro not sure if you are active but you delegated a lot of hive for quite a long time to our curator account and I just wanted to say a huge thank you for this

I just wanted to use this medium to appreciate all what you have done for me delegating part of asset over the past couple of months. I really appreciate because it did made my account to grow. I appreciate it. Best of luck Buddy.Cheers!🥂

Hey bro, just wanted to say thank you!


I am here to say thank you again for the token. I really appreciate it,you are such a good person. No other way to thank you than to pray for you. God bless you abundantly! Amen! I owe you ☝🏿

I have lost absolutely nothing.
Been here has brought out the best in me... Who could believe that a little farm girl would learn so much and rise above challenges to experience true freedom and liberty...

@gcalex I am so much impressed by your act of kindness towards everyone around here.

Although I am new here but its amazing to see how you have been such a blessing to many ...
May your kindness be rewarded in unimaginable ways.

I think 've lost nothing. I know how much hive has helped my life with the little reward I get on my contents. I would say something was given to me instead.

Your kindness has thought me alot of lessons and i can see how important it us to help people and bring a smile to people face i see alit of people celebrating your good deeds
People like you are not much in this world friend keep it up @gcalex
Do take good care of your self and have a wonderful day 💟😘💟😘

I believe am here to get back what was lost because the solution is here

Hi @gcalex
Hope you are good?
Just checking on you.
And thanks for the other time.
Stay blessed 🥂

Hi Alex, I hope you are doing great. Just want to say hello. I wish to have a place to chat with you.

I am still grateful for all you did.

@gcalex Thank you for the support this year. I appreciate the delegation and I hope everything is going well for you. Take care and warm wishes to you!

What was taken away from me was a bad luck and being here was a good luck
Sometimes without bad luck there won't be good luck @gcalex