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RE: YouTube -vs- Blockchain Video Platforms.

in #youtube4 years ago

All they want is a seamless easy to use experience with no hassles.

There are some teams working on that, but it is a long road for them. Youtube had issues when they first started, but with years of ease of use for the average user, it has become the standard.

I keep reading that block chains are great for text, but when it comes to imagery, video and photo, it is not so simple, thus the image servers. At least there are a couple teams working on the video option as you mentioned.


I remember when YouTube first came out and they had serious issues, plus a lot of people were still on dial up connections if I remember correctly. Broadband was just starting to catch on. They certainly did have a long time to work all the bugs.

I finally got signed into 3Speak, I have no idea what the problem was earlier but I got the video loaded and was pretty impressed. Looking forward to posting there more in the future.

Hive has world wide reach, and I follow a lot of people from a lot of countries. For a YT video, most often it I get the Not available in your area, and have to do a manual search for the linked video. I have not had that problem yet on dtube or 3speak videos. So for a person wanting world reach in the video depart meant with out the target audience having to go out and hunt for a version in their country I think those two are going to be the video future.