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RE: YouTube Ads Everywhere - My Thoughts and Maybe a Solution

in #youtube3 years ago

I know!

I'm probably going to select only gaming ads once I have that option. Stay on brand, type of thing. They would be the only relevant ads to my channel.
Yeah, brave is nice for viewing, but doesn't work the best for uploading and prepping content. YouTube/Google has probably ensures everything is smoother on Chrome. On mobile, well it's faster to respond to viewers through the app and the Creator Studio app as well.

Mid-roll ads are the worst. They interrupt in the middle of sentences, I have to put the video back a bit cuz my brain doesn't register what the person was saying due to the interruption.


I get it pays better than other ads but gosh, how many people are getting suckered into these schemes, it's really sad to see whats happening to YouTube. It used to be so much fun and now people are legit just trying to farm videos with the least amount of effort to get views and get that income. I totally get it but then you have to give users more control over their feeds, so its not just about hacking algos but keeping people interested.

Lol we all need to start to break away from all Google everything, I can't stand those mid roll ads. Then some people still have banner ads and sponsors and referral links, like man this is 80% ad 20% content lol

I feel like something has got to give, it can't keep going like this, it's actually worse than TV now

I know what you mean. Roberto Blake always says diversify your income. Not to rely on adsense. I can't anyway so I won't start now. Sure it'll be a nice bonus, but Roberto Blake, who has 500K subscribers and a high CPM rate, amke roughly one penny per view. That isn't much. His income is primarily from the services he offers and such. A small percentage of his income is from YT views. We can't rely on that.

i've never heard of Roberto, but I'll check it out, I think a lot of people think YouTube is this free money-spinner once you get it going but the time and effort you have to put in understated.

I earn from Adsense on my website and its legit just covering my running costs, and I am fine with that. I do use 3rd party networks too which helps but I'm by no means kicking my shoes off and retiring I still need to work and diversify as you say.

I do like the idea of added value like one-one consultations, selling products like merch, creating eBooks and other digital products once you have an audience