Why we must move to Dtube (Youtube is Banning Free Speech)

in #youtube7 years ago

After youtube has restricted my account and went on a ban spree for conservative truthspeakers, many of us have made the move to Dtube. A decentralized censorship-resistant platform based around blockchain technology (similar to Bitcoin) where YOU can have access to truth media and the big tech giants cannot stop you.

▶️ DTube

Keep up the great work Dustin!

Well I am here Dustin, not sorry I did this.
youtube deleted ALL my subscriptions.....
I wish ILL will on the fags commies on youtube.

I don't know if it was you, but someone dropped this link on the Free Republic:

Got a lot of responses...

I'm hoping all of my favorite truth chasers on youtube will migrate over here. No doubt DTube will grow exponentially, given some time. Subscribed.

Finally here☀️ I took one week for me to get steemit mail so I could log in😊 Do you have PayPal adress that I could send money? I live in Finland and I dont have any other way to send money. I widh you and your family all the best❤️