Easy Mango Dessert Recipe | Mango Recipes | Mango pudding

in #yummy3 years ago

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Easy Mango Dessert Recipe. If you love mangoes then this easy, delicious and quick to make mango dessert recipe is for you and you will only need 3 ingredients to make this mousse recipe.
Mango mousse is a perfect after-meal dessert, also good as a snack. These creamy and delicious mango dessert desserts are light and airy in texture and not excessively sweet. Try to use well-ripened sweet mangoes for the best result. mango dessert is a layered dessert consisting of three basic layers of any cake (even store bought or leftover cake),fruit or jello and pudding or custard.It is extremely delicious and easy to put together. In this video I showed you how to make mango trifle pudding since mangoes are in season now. You can substitute mangoes with any other fruits of your choice.

1 kg mangoes
1 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup condensed milk
1 cup whipping cream or fresh cream


  1. Peel and cut ripe mangoes
  2. Add it into a mixer jar
  3. Add sugar and blend it till its smooth
  4. Strain and add the mixture to a pan and heat it
  5. Meanwhile, boil water and add the china grass
  6. Cook till the china grass dissolves completely
  7. Strain the china grass into the mango puree
  8. Mix everything well
  9. Now, add fresh cream and milk and mix everything until well combined
  10. Turn off the stove, do not boil the mixture after adding milk
  11. Let it sit 2 mins and pour the pudding mixture into individual moulds
  12. Let the pudding come to room temperature, cover it with a cling wrap or foil paper
  13. Keep the pudding in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours or overnight
  14. Add some chopped mango pieces for garnish and serve it chilled.

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