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RE: The Spring Is Here!

in We Are Alive Tribe2 months ago

Your days do not flow empty!

The book cover looks tempting and I am sure there is a lot of intresting and compressed experience inside. I feel momentarily hooked by 'Venice' part in its title... but probably myself I would rather go after this one:

Highly intrested in educating myself about this period of history, as it is the early beginnings of proto capitalism in Europe, and how Europe started its rivalry with powerful colossus of Byzantium.

Have a !BEER, and wish you warm and sunny weather! grow on, the bitcoins crop, grow on! ☘️☘️☘️


That looks a very tempting book. I am also fascinated by Venice and the whole history of Italy and the Romans. One book still sitting on my shelf is the well renowned Gibson classic. At over 1000 pages, it is not a quick read!
Whilst Venice is impressive, I think Florence left a greater impression on me with the powerful churches and architecture. One of the books claims is that it could only be built on a hard money standard and a moral society. I guess we are far off that at the moment.

I guess we are far off that at the moment.

(here I could insert as much lol icons as you can bear).

Gibbon's is a classical study. 👍 And can take 1-2 years to read accurately, to process fruitfully all the story given. I am not 100% sure but it may be dated in some way (as historical science did not stand still after this study was written) - but still its a great book and entertaining reading that influenced a lot of our venerable ancestors. Ofc, I wish you a happy reading. !BEER

Venice history attracts me more from its political and economical history aspects rather than esthetical (city on the water etc).

I can understand that for sure, there is so much history there and many small nuances which seemed to come from this era.. I do think that it is all connected to the art renaissance also, spawning from the basic economic functioning. I hope you might share any good findings you make.

Sure thing! I find not only !PIZZA but other good stuff as well, including good books 🐈

Hey @mypathtofire, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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ps. Asimov's Foundation had Gibbons as one of its references, I guess you are in the know.

I love Asimov's books. 💪