How many Bitcoin do you own? The 2024 Edition

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)

Dear Bitcoiners (and all others),

how is the Bitcoin distribution changing over time?

This table is from Oct. 2020...

This one is from April 2022

And this is from yesterday:

Still some progress towards more adoption and decentralization but not too much. Way more addresses with <0,00001 BTC are in existence (4,9 mio. vs. 3,4 mio. 2 years ago, +44%) and also more addresses in the next larger cateory. But still most of the coins are held in whale addresses of the category 1000 to 10000 and all addresses with up to 0,1 Bitcoin together (>90% of all addresses) hold not even 1,5% of the Bitcoins. It is like the Pareto rule (20% hold 80%) but on steroids! Here in fact 0,3% hold 82% of the wealth!

BTC w.jpg

But how is this apparent lack of decentralization compared to other cryptos?

With Bitcoin, the top 100 addresses hold 14,8% of all coins (2 years ago it was 15,45%).

With Litecoin (LTC), the top 100 addresses hold 42% (even more than 2y ago where it was 40%)! Dash is a little better with 29% for the top 100, Bitcoin Cash is 38%, Monero´s value is 29%.
And the top 100 addresses in the popular Dogecoin hold even 65,5%!

And what about Hive?

Here the top 100 addresses (in terms of HP holding) currently own 102,4 mio HP (source), that is 58,8% of all staked Hive (which is 174 mio.)! Not a good value for a blockchain having "decentralization" in it´s claim! And this is not even skewed by the big exchanges accounts like for other cryptos because exchanges mostly have liquid Hive, not HP!
OK, the 174 mio. HP make only up 41% of all the Hive, so these top 100 hold only 24% of all Hive as HP and 27,5% if you add the 13 mio. liquid Hive they hold. Still plenty of room for improvement in terms of decentralization of Hive. But I think in fact the opposite is happening. But that is another topic...

So the conclusion is that Bitcoin is still way better decentralized than many of it´s peers, even despite the "blackrocking" that is happening since January this year (i.e. the accumulation by large organizations via the spot ETFs).

In the past (2019 , 2020 and 2022) I have asked the Hive community repeatedly how much Bitcoin they own and obviously not too many want to disclose this information.
About 30 to 50% of the (responding) Hivians said that they own zero Bitcoins and I am wondering if this is still the case.

So please, if you like, let me know in the comments if you (or "your friend") own any Bitcoin, even if not at all, and if yes, if less than 0,01, less than 0,1, less than 1, less than 5, 5 to 10 or more than 10! Many thanks! Every comment gets an upvote!

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In einigen großen Börsen-Bitcoin-Wallets befinden sich BTCs zahlreicher User, was für eine etwas größere Dezentralität spricht als die reine Anzahl und Größe der Wallets vermuten lassen würde.

And what about Hive?
Here the top 100 addresses ...

Und wenn man dann noch bedenkt, dass - um nur zwei Beispiele zu nennen(!) - blocktrades, alpha, darthknight und sowie smooth, smooth-a, smooth-b, smooth-c, smooth-d, smooth-e, smooth-f jeweils ein und dieselbe Person sind, dann vergisst man das mit der Dezentralität am besten gaaanz schnell wieder (zumal die 'Top-Witnesse' sich größtenteils auch noch gegenseitig unterstützen, voten und HP delegieren). :-)

About 30 to 50% of the (responding) Hivians said that they own zero Bitcoins ...

Wenn überhaupt, dann besitze ich vielleicht irgendwann mal null HIVE. :)

Das mit alpha und darknight wusste ich nicht. Wie kann man soviel akkumulieren ausser durch "Ninja"-mining?

Vielleicht noch mit Bidbots, wie es ja auch einige der 'Spezialisten' taten.

Ansonsten mischten blocktrades und smooth in der Tat beim Early-Mining bereits kräftig mit (im Bild ein noch sehr frühes Stadium):


Immerhin halten sie ihre HP noch und haben sie nicht verkauft. Falls das mal passieren sollte, sehe ich schwarz.

Das ist eine gute Frage, ob das gut oder schlecht für HIVE wäre.
Wer jetzt investierte, triebe, bevor er auch nur in die Nähe der HP-Werte dieser Early-Miner käme, den HIVE-Preis derart in die Höhe, dass er damit die Vormachtstellung der Top-Wale nur noch fester zementierte (irgendwann könnte er einfach nicht weiterkaufen). Ich frage mich also, warum ich durch ernsthafte Investitionen solche User noch reicher machen sollte?
Würden die jedoch verkaufen, fiele der HIVE-Preis in den Keller, und bei einem möglicherweise danach erfolgenden Neustart hätten alle gleiche Chancen.
Dass die aber alle gleichzeitig aussteigen, ist utopisch, weshalb ich auch nicht ernsthaft investieren werde.

well having no btc in possession might feel sad at first, but I think for me choosing alts for the time being and hoping for the price of the coin to go below $30k again might be something people look for to invest again.
Ha ha.. Anyway, lets hope for the best.

Below 30K? It will never go down that low! The 61K right now is already cheap. Anytime it could snap back to 70.

The chances are more to get back to 70k or even 80k . But all depends on how market behaves and those equations that rotate crypto prices time to time.

Prolly not 30K but 40K wouldn’t be shocking at all. Quite the norm last 3 cycles to retrace 40%

I have just a little 0.205 sliver of BTC.

More than 1 an less than 3.33
But my goal is 5
I dollar cost average weekly And hope this dip lasts so I can add more!

Sounds like a decent plan!

Great post. Interesting data.

Wow, those are definitely some crazy numbers in terms of distribution. I never would have guessed!

I am in the 0.1 to 1 category but this has changed quite a lot, in the last 6 years or so.

I have less than 0,1 Bitcoin at the moment, but have some other crypto.

None at the moment.. BTC is my final destination. I am currently grinding and growing my financial understanding on hive. As my accounts grow I’ll certainly begin diving in to it for the long haul.Thanks for sharing.

I've less than 1, so I'm in a group of 5% of all owners?:)
This year is supposed to be the peak before the next fall for 4 years.
What do you expect from it?

From Bitcoin? In 2025 we will see values of >100K.

more than 1, less than 10, unfortunately 😅

Got 0 btc.
Hive is the only chain which I follow / build out my account. Yes, I know about diversification but as my stack is still small I rather focus. :)

Unter 0,1 leider.

Ich glaube, würde ich alles zusammenzählen, auch die, die ich nicht bekommem kann, weil die min. Auszahlung nicht erreicht ist, dann wäre ich bei 0,1. Leider habe ich bei der einen oder anderen Seite paar Satoshi an die ich wohl nie ran kommen werde :(

The other day I sent my girlfriend a huge pile of snow.
I called her up and asked “Did you get my drift?”

Credit: reddit
@stayoutoftherz, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of mein-senf-dazu



Interesting. More adoption is really needed if at all the centralized army is going to be won. Sad that most countries find BTC to be more expensive and they are gumbling on shit coins and hoping for life changing money.

I have not eough Bitcoin and not less than in the previous years. 😁

I made this a bit ago based on another grapic I found. Not sure how accurate but need to keep in mind, the big ones don't move coins very often, some are lost and exchange addresses are also big ones. there is still a lot to do and we keep an eye on the "hodl" waves.

bitcoin verteilung.png

👍 !PGM

How does this statistic look for major payment coins beside BTC? (BCH, LTC, DASH)

LTC looks similar to BTC

Bitcoin Cash also, yet a bit more fund with balances between 10-100 BCH (at 405€ per BCH today).

Pareto, 20% get 80% of the stack (big spike due to 3400 Masternodes 1000 dash each)

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