The Best of Discovery-it #1433

in Discovery-itlast month

The Best of Discovery-it #1433


Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?


by @daveks

In this interesting post daveks brings us to discover the beauties of nature. “This is it, my final post on Kananaskis country. At least for a few weeks anyways, or more. Kananaskis is located just east of Banff park, and west of Calgary, sandwiched in between you might say. The best parts of a sandwich generally are found in between the layers of bread. Kananaskis has a lot of flavour to it, and it is very good” this is how the story started. Don’t miss it!

Walking through the university [eng/esp]

by @indipnash91

Today indipnash91 shares with us some photos taken during a lovely walk in the university. “In this list of iconic places I would also place the University of Havana, with its endless staircase and its Alma Mater (the name by which it is also popularly known): that beautiful woman in a long dress who with her hands outstretched seems to be welcoming every visitor” the author told us.

Walking through Prado/ Paseando por Prado

by @mayramalu

If you’re passionate about traveling, you shouldn’t miss this new article by mayramalu. The author brings us to discover the streets of Prado. What an interesting adventure!

Why Do You Write on Hive: Building My Second Brain on Hive

by @anonymous02

In this new post anonymous02 shares with us some interesting reflections about the world of Hive. “The second brain is the place whether digital or physical to store information instead of your literal brain. This concept is popularized by Tiago Forte, who has also a book named Building a Second Brain. I somehow like the idea, you can always use different software to store information. Commonly, people who have a second brain use Notion, Evernote, Obsidian, etc. This depends on which type of note-taker you are” this is how the post started. Don’t miss it!

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Thank you so much for your support @discovery-blog 🥰 . I am glad for that.

Thank you! I appreciate very much your support 🤗🤗