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RE: The Last Photo I Took: Sunset and Its Story | Ladies of Hive Contest #183

Depression is really like being lost in a dense fog; everything feels blank, everything feels heavy, and everything feels uncertain. 🥺 That's why we really have to be kind to everyone because we never know what that person has been going through. Just like your dearest friend, Rose Ann, depressed people often hide their pain through their smiles, and they're really good at hiding it. I hope she's able to find eternal peace, and a big hug to you, @reshychannn! ❤️


Thank youuu, @jeannmazing!
This is so true. We really don't know other people's burdens. Depressed people often show up cheerfully in front of others. My best friend was not an exemption. She always looked so happy all the time. I wish I knew how she felt. But life must go on. I am always praying for her. ✨💖