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RE: The Last Photo I Took: Sunset and Its Story | Ladies of Hive Contest #183

in Ladies of Hive29 days ago

Awww... I am so sorry to hear about your loss ❤️ having a best friend is precious and I absolutly LOOVE your pictures. It is clear how close you two were and you both have beautiful smiles. That picture with you both dressed up in such Colorful outfits are amazing. And that last picture with you or your friend in the sunset by the beach is incredleble.
I love sunsets like you but after hearing your story... I understand that it has a special meaning.

Thank you for sharing your story and I am sure your friend is looking down on you from the sunset smiling 💕


Thank you so much for your kind words! ❤️
She was the only best friend I had and will forever be my best friend. She holds a special place in my heart. We will forever be connected through sunset.🌅