Splinterlands: What To Know As Beginner

in Splinterlands5 months ago


Splinterlands is an online web3 game built on the hive Blockchain, it allows you to own, buy, and trade NFT assets that are used in-game to play and win. It gives various opportunities to would-be investors and Blockchain game enthusiasts the opportunity to access gamification chances for both pleasure and exciting earning experiences that include asset compounding and passive income opportunities.

One thing about Splinterlands is that you can play for free, provided you buy a $10 spell book, and have access to multiple free cards that allow you the opportunity to garner gaming experiences. You can also game for free as a form of demo, to enable you to decide whether you want to go ahead to invest or not. However, there's no gaming incentive for playing for free, as you'll have to throw in some money to have the opportunity to earn.

Now the first thing to mostly do is to understand the game and spend time to understand the elements of play, before diving into the tokenomics. This is because the gaming experiences help to create a rich vein of understanding that guarantees the adequate exposure you might need to understand the economic aspects as well as the gamification.


How To Play

So understanding how to play is very important. Some people want others to pass this knowledge directly to them, but this is largely limiting. Buying a spell book means you can hit the "battle" button and learn by trial and error, provided you've not begun to invest, or you can hit the "how to play button" check the tutorial sessions, go over the elements, abilities, card basics, stats, and even learn how to arrange a team.

Understanding the cards, how abilities and rulesets can counter or change the abilities of the cards, their positions of play, and how altering these positions can render these cards impotent, or how special abilities can give specific cards the abilities to perform attacks that aren't related to their attack type. Learn the various attack types, and know their names. Understand the strengths and weakness of each element and their cards, and form a certain favoritism towards some elements as this will aid you in knowing where to exactly throw your money when you finally decide to stop playing the demo and throw skin in the game. This will help you to spend your money with purpose, as buying only expensive cards might not be so useful.


Irrespective of whether Splinterlands is free to play or not, everyone who gets to know there's an earning opportunity wants to earn too. So the best thing is to understand how to play, and then proceed to tailor your investment correctly. The first thing to know is to understand your budget, your budget defines the kind of cards you'll buy. Playing with free cards or mixing them with your own cards, limits your earning opportunities. Also understand the relationship between epic cards, rare cards, and legendary, irrespective of their elements, and understand the need for summoners and what level allows you to move higher.


The Need For SPS

Most importantly you have to understand that owning and staking SPS is now relevant to how much you can earn for playing or winning chest, so you'll also have to allocate some money to budget for SPS, else, your earning capacity will still be limited no matter how much you throw into cards.

Understand The Card Generation

Card Generations are important as they're determinants of the format of the game you'll play in. There's the alpha, beta, Chaos Legion, rebellion, etc. Although newer players are often advised to play in modern, I mostly advise new players to opt for Wild as they can basically own the cheaper generation of Chaos legion cards and still have the opportunity to learn, earn, and grow at a quicker pace, other than modern where the stiff competition can make a newbie give up on the game.

Joining A Guild

Joining a Guild is the most lucrative aspect of Splinterlands, especially because you can earn more SPS by having a cheaper deck for free for a long time, provided you're active in participation. It takes just a week or two to understand how the Guild works, it's self-explanatory, but since it's a collective thing, you'll need to find a Guild, meet the participation requirements, learn the ropes, know your Guild members, and study the pattern Guild Play to help you know when and how to participate and join the fray to enable you earn SPS and merit (merit also helps you build a different tier of cards called gladius cards)

Be Active.

Splinterlands can be lucrative, but it's not a mean feat. First, you need time and money as well as intuition and creativity, whether it's during gaming or matters of economics. There are several aspects to participate in (if you have the money) you can dive into the liquidity pool, explore lands, explore the staking returns of SPS, and even invest in the latest generation of cards to either resell or flip cards with the hope that you'll be lucky.


There's DEC and knowing about it helps you even understand how to buy assets for gaming and all that. You also need to learn how to use the Splinterlands market to buy your assets for gaming. Have an active hive account for transaction and transferring funds, especially understanding hive-engine, and other means to transact money and asset transfer. However for a beginner, you need to learn the ropes, it takes a while, but it is a pleasurable experience. Selah.

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Just what I was looking for. Splinterlands is one of the areas I want to do well in on Hive this year. I finally started playing splinterlands 2 days ago after a while of talking about wanting to start. It took me a long time cos I always saw it to be complex. But it's starting to make some sense gradually after days of trial and error.

I'm struggling to understand rulesets and the card abilities right now. They are sooooo many cards even as a beginner, and it's confusing me a lot. I mostly use a monster with high melee attack and speed in the front, supported by lots of magic Monsters so that I can do some serious damage and heal at the same time. Jut just when I thought I mastered the best winning strategy, bam! I played the first non-standard game with a rule of only using ranged monsters. Lol I was confused!!!!!

Anyways, I manage to play my way to bronze III now and I want to practice some more before buying a spell book. Maybe I should write some tips for beginners as well, considering that I myself am a beginner. Lol if I did, I would mostly be giving only basic tips cos I'm still learning myself.

You can also write a tip for beginners, considering that a beginner might understand a beginners perspective from a beginner's point of view. It takes a while to master. Keep studying the strategies, keep trying to understand the abilities of the cards and the elements that seems to be your favorite. It might take you weeks or months, but eventually you'll get there. Trial and error is the best way to learn. I want to say you should keep doing it until you get a grip of the game antics and this is when you'll begin to love it.

Yeah that's exactly what I'm doing right now - Trial and Error. I want to watch some Youtube to see if I can properly understand the rulesets. I'll be doing more of the weekly battle mage secrets to get familiar with the game faster. I'm not going to lie, even without mastering it, I'm enjoying it so far. The haven to think ahead of your opponent by peeking their last used cards, selecting my own monsters and summoner, and positioning them right. It's a thrilling experience.

When you start investing in these cards, this is when you'll begin to enjoy it. For now I can tell you that even YouTube tutorial won't cut it. In the beginning understanding the Ruleset will be very difficult, it took me weeks or even month to do it. Knowing how to arrange the cards well in position is another thing, but over the years, splinterlands is what I play especially when I'm down and need a distraction.

Hey man, that's a great piece for new players and for getting players interested in the game as well!

It's extremely well written and very easy to read! I am looking forward to more content :)

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

Thank you, yes. I decided to share my experience. Everyone experiences differs

Great work! Splinterlands is a tough game to get started for a newbie. I came in after untamed was sold out and before chaos. Just like everyone it was hard to figure out. Now since then there has been three more pack sales and more cards and rulesets. I'm not sure how a newbie can figure it out!

How are you feeling today?


A newbie can figure it out, it just takes the right resilience and a will to actually learn. I came in right when CL started selling. I bought about 117 packs and kick started my journey, of course it wasn't easy, but it's been pretty enjoyable and I haven't taken any profit, except flipping here and there.

I'm alright, how are you too?

Not too bad today, a little tired which is normal...

It's a fun game, it would be harder to start in the game now than it was for us. Just so many more cards to choose from... All the new ones now are kind of overwhelming for me. We'll see how it plays out!

Yeah tiredness is normal, mine stems from the anemia mostly, I've changed my diet a bit and added some medications which has helped a little. I guess with improving my HB just a little.

With the cards, I think creating more card generation in quick succession is crazy though. For me I felt rebellion should have come a year later than it did

It came way too soon! So many packs will end up being burned because of the rapid introduction of decks. I know they wan the money, but this isn't the way to do it.

Glad you're hanging in there!

What groups are you in on Discord? Just trying to find you over there. My username is @thebighigg987

I'm in OCD and splinterlands, (josediccus) searched all through, couldn't find you.

Do you know splinterlands discord invite code? I'm trying to find it.

Never mind, I just joined splinterlands discord

send me a friend invite, it's not letting me for some reason

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This post was sensational, looking forward to the next one.

Modern is so rough and I agree that new players should probably try out wilds. I don't fight there but I have heard that people are having an easier time. Then again, I am not sure I would want to break out of bronze hell to get into the league that I want.

Before entering into this game it is very important to know some things especially how the cards are sold and bought in the market and how the stacking is done. It is necessary.