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RE: Exploring the medieval Avebury Henge and Stone

Now this place looks like where the Barbie movie "The Diamond Castle" was set.

No, I don't see anything reference to this place on Wiki, but I see where you're coming from.

You can also make a portrait out of it and put it on the wall in your foyer.

Now, that's a brilliant idea. I don't have space on my boat but it would be nice to use in picture frames if I ever go back to running hotels or lodges.
Nice one 🙌


No, I don't see anything reference to this place on Wiki,

The scene I'm referring to is the one where Liana and Alexa travel through the "Giant's Playground", a scenic area with large, towering rock formations.

Now, that's a brilliant idea.


where Liana and Alexa travel through the "Giant's Playground"
I haven't seen the film, but I like the idea of a giant playground. Somedays I could use one of them:)))

My apologies. I thought you've seen the film.


No, I haven't seen the film yet😅