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RE: Exploring the medieval Avebury Henge and Stone

in Wednesday Walklast month

Now this place looks like where the Barbie movie "The Diamond Castle" was set. The landscape was filled with impressive rock formations as this one. It's beautiful.

I like the idea of using these designs as wallpaper and background photos.

You can also make a portrait out of it and put it on the wall in your foyer. Would look really nice.


Now this place looks like where the Barbie movie "The Diamond Castle" was set.

No, I don't see anything reference to this place on Wiki, but I see where you're coming from.

You can also make a portrait out of it and put it on the wall in your foyer.

Now, that's a brilliant idea. I don't have space on my boat but it would be nice to use in picture frames if I ever go back to running hotels or lodges.
Nice one 🙌

No, I don't see anything reference to this place on Wiki,

The scene I'm referring to is the one where Liana and Alexa travel through the "Giant's Playground", a scenic area with large, towering rock formations.

Now, that's a brilliant idea.


where Liana and Alexa travel through the "Giant's Playground"
I haven't seen the film, but I like the idea of a giant playground. Somedays I could use one of them:)))

My apologies. I thought you've seen the film.


No, I haven't seen the film yet😅