Give up, to take in.

in Alien Art Hive10 months ago (edited)

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Resistance will only cause you pain


It is only a moment


It will all be over soon


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Blinding glare

Overwhelming pain

And the smell

of freshly cut grass and mint tea


Nothing hurts anymore

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I like to trodden new paths. Not because I like destroying lawns. I like to find places and things that have not yet been admired by anyone.

I trod paths because the roads are crowded.

I trod paths because for a moment I can feel that the ground beneath my feet is mine, and mine alone.

I tramp down paths because sometimes I hope that someone will change from their course and come with me.

To admire.

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I touch the bark of an old oak and witness its beauty, I pick up the nut of a beech tree and have the potential of life in my hand. I dip my hands in the stream and let the water change the temperature of my hands. I rub a lump of earth in my hands and look at how clear my fingerprints now are.

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I dip my hands into the soft moss. I find a pebble and imagine its story. How long has it been lying there, how many times has it been picked up? How many times has someone skim this pebble on the nearby lake? How many times has someone been hit on the head with it. Or does it lie here without life or memory, forgotten by the world and history and its time has just come? I throw the pebble as far as I can in front of me.

The first journey.

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About the drawing

This work was created during my academy time, in my 3rd year. It was a crisis year for me - and as I found out later - not only for me. The third year makes you realise that you either - you've chosen the wrong course of study and it's really too late to change it. Or! The course may be the right one but burnout is slowly starting to mark any work you do. Whichever way you look at it - it's all too far gone.

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The hesitation was leading my hands astray. Before I did this work - I clung to pencil and charcoal - tools that allow you to change your mind easily and many times. I could, after 2-3 hours of drawing, erase the whole drawing and start over because I didn't like what I had done.

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One day, my professor, seeing this, came up to me and asked what I was doing because 'after all, the proportions and composition are fine'. I replied that I was not happy with what I had done and wanted to start again. The professor let out a loud breath. She looked at me for a while and said:
-Bring something to the next class that you can't just wipe off. Ink or permanent markers. We will teach you to be decisive'.

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So that's how my adventure with markers began. At first, I worked on thin, cheap paper with black markers, but after a while I started to play around. That's when I discovered Promarkers, which I still adore today.

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The work I'm showing you today shows how deep-rooted my hesitation still was - I found a way to dissolve the markers too, so that I could change my mind from time to time:)

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I wish you all lovely week!
Strega Azure

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I used permanent markers and ProMarkers, and little bit of gold acrylic paint


Drawing & pictures are my authorship if not stated otherwise.

All rights reserved ©

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I love how you bring these memories and art together, it’s tremendously fun to read :)

I dropped out during my third year of art school lol - I sometimes wonder how much better my skills would be if I hadn’t, but I know of course my journey was exactly what it was meant to be. Only saying this cuz I do remember that time in a similar way to how you’ve described it here!

I remember, when you mentioned this before. I totally understand. I was so confused, angry and frustrated with myself, and really couldn't pin that up anywhere. And after few months - it just went away. I don't think I actually did anything to change direction of my thoughts. It just happened :D

School for one will help, for other - make one miserable. You never know, until you will try it for yourself:)

Thank you for stopping by @rorykl

Yeah buddy, you got that right! Always a pleasure to see you my friend :)

LOVED the poetry.
this was a bit different for you, in terms of the image.

I am very glad @bluefinstudios, means the world!

this was a bit different for you, in terms of the image.

I went through various phases with my drawings:)
Permanent markers are not forgiving at all :D As I now look at the 'broken' anatomy my old drawings I am simply ashamed. But they are also a documentation of past emotions - and those shaped me in the way :)

Ah... now I love your posts but this had been a fave! I can so relate to the desire to walk off the beaten path, to immerse completely in nature. I love running my hand along the bark of massive old trees, completely in awe of their existence and what they may have been witness to through their lifetime. Walking barefoot in cool mountain streams, skimming pebbles and finding that one that fits perfectly in my hand and feels like it belongs with me. I have a few special stones collected from places close to my heart. They take me back in the blink of an eye to times of great joy and connection both with people and the land.

And this artwork is stunning!!! For me it is a presentation of energy flow and connection, and is clean and delicate. Love it! it's great in colour, Strega! !LUV !ALIVE !Hivebits, @samsmith1971(5/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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I am glad that my subliminal messages hit your tender spots ;) Nature is only place that actually makes me calm instantly. I can feel how my heart rate goes down right away, it is fascinating!

I am collecting stones as well. This one is currently my favourite:)

That's actually only souvenir I am taking from places I am visiting(besides pictures ;)

Love it! Stones are my thing too 🤗 !LUV !Hug, @samsmith1971(3/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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Dear, you just got hugged.
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How many times has someone been hit in the head with it?

Ha! Food for thought. Valid question, though 😆. You must have stacks on stacks of your old works, that's amazing you managed to keep it in viewable condition. From my experience moving many, many times, I know things get lost, damaged, totally destroyed somewhat regularly.

You're on a roll with your daily posts - flex!

Most of my old drawings exists only on my hard drive. I handed out plenty to my friends, some I left in family home. But I don't really miss them that much. They just help me to recall some memories which I wasn't aware I still have :D

You're on a roll with your daily posts - flex!

It was a bit crazy I got to say. I need good rest now :D

At a point, there's just so many pieces of paper and canvas. It can be too many 🫨. Hard drive is probably best.

Yeah! Posting 1 time per week can be a difficult task, so good for you, getting so many days in a row 😁.

At a point, there's just so many pieces of paper and canvas. It can be too many 🫨. Hard drive is probably best.

Yeah, 100%. Don't get me wrong, I prefer paper over digital all the way, but you in case of moving house - it is just disaster. Just piles of paper :D

Yeah! Posting 1 time per week can be a difficult task, so good for you, getting so many days in a row 😁.

Yeah, I had no clue it will be this hard :D Not sure if I will try pull that off again :D

You have an awesome talent! Beautiful.
Post reviewed and approved for an Ecency boost. 😊

Thank you very much!

Each time I come across your art, it always seems to capture my attention. You're really good at it. I also like the method with which your professor taught you to be decisive.

Thank you very much for your kind words, really appreciate it!

Yeah, she wasn't my favourite, to be completely honest, but she thought me thing or two:)

Hehe, well that's what matters I guess.

Wow, just wow. The paintings are beautiful and captivating.

Although Resistance causes pain but sometimes it is good to resist especially when the urge is about something that will bring problems to oneself.


Thank you very much @luchyl

Although Resistance causes pain but sometimes it is good to resist especially when the urge is about something that will bring problems to oneself.

Absolutely. Sometimes we need to do what's best for us, not only what 'we want to do' :)

Beautiful words of motivation encourage sometimes you just have to let go of the old and face the new you never can tell what lies ahead
Beautiful paintings I must say!

Thank you very much:) Absolutely true. We should look carefully at your life and change what needs to be changed while there is still time:)

Thank you for popping by!

I am always intrigued about your pictures I love how they come alive when I stroll down.

Thank you very much!

This is really amazing, I love your drawings, Some people opt out in the third year when they found out the school gave them fake admission, not the school in particular but some people worked it for them. These drawings are superb

Thank you for your visit and your kind words:)

All deceptions bubble to the surface. Better sooner rather than later. Then there is always a chance to change something in your life and be happy after all. But to find the courage to do it - it is never easy.

I tramp down paths because sometimes I hope that someone will change from their course and come with me.

i admire this words, just because everyone are going one direction doesnt mean thats the right directions, also you mean to tell me those drawing are with marker.
i guess i will start with biro and see how it goes.
Love from #dreemport

Any pen will do. Whatever prevent you form changing your mind :D

I agree. We will discover nothing new by following in the footsteps of others:)

Thank you for popping by:)

You are welcome
so you know, I have a crush on you🙂🙂

You do? Good! I will then collect your heart soon and eat it for my dinner with mashed potatoes and green pea:)
See you around!

after reading this, this song popped up in my mind
dark horse by ketty perry. you shoulf listen to it

I read from the first line and was hooked. Then I read the pebble and was enthralled. Just how does the mind work sometimes?

I see what Dreemie was saying. You have a very profound way with words that pierces the soul.

And that was one way to bring out the decision pro in you I guess. With the marker thing? And it looks gorgeous by the way. Funny thing is I never even decided or thought about what I wanted to study. I just took it and then felt like a disaster later but it still feels right for some reason and I’m in my final year.


I am very glad you like my writing, means a lot:)

I see what Dreemie was saying. You have a very profound way with words that pierces the soul.

She is being definitely too nice, and possible biased ;) But I really appreciate it, truly!

Yeah, permanent markers or promarkers you cannot just wipe clean, you have to do the line, and line is the to stay. So you have to think more before you do something, and you have to come to terms with the outcome :D It was somehow liberating for me. I would get stressed and angry when something wasn't looking right. Ate the very beginning - I was using up around 5-6 sheets of paper per classes :D That's why I was using cheep, thin paper. Most of those drawings didn't last long. The paper would tear easily like a tissue. But was good for practise.

Later on I started to play around with colour and different papers. Was really cool:) I kind of miss big format. The one you see here is 100cmx70cm(about 39x27.5 inches). I am glad you like it! It kina hurts my eyes, becouse I see all my mistakes, especially anatomically wise :D

I never even decided or thought about what I wanted to study. I just took it and then felt like a disaster later but it still feels right for some reason and I’m in my final year.

When you are young it is really hard to decide about anything about your life, becouse 'I have time'. I did entry exams in psychology, becouse I was very hesitant about my future when I finished my art school. I still often think... what would happen if I become a psychologist? :D Since you are on your final year, there must be something you like about your course:))))

Yes. It covers fields I really enjoy. Writing, Film Production, and the likes. I like to express myself through words and sound (music). So my course, Mass Communication, is perfect despite how overwhelmed I may feel a lot of times after the course loads. Hehehe.

I don't think Dreem was biased at all. I read you. And she was saying something!!...

I don't think I have that time anymore though. Sometimes I feel really old in my

That' very interesting! I wish you will get your dreem job when you finish it:)

I don't think Dreem was biased at all. I read you. And she was saying something!!...

I am not gonna argue with her :D I trust her opinions!

I don't think I have that time anymore though. Sometimes I feel really old in my

I can relate here :)

Wow!! This is amazing, Bravo! bravo!! bravo!!!.
Love the way you started the write-up, it's awesome.
The fact about life is that you have to let go of certain things, to have a better one, just like learning to fight another day so that you don't suffer a huge loss.


Thank you for your visit!

The fact about life is that you have to let go of certain things, to have a better one, just like learning to fight another day so that you don't suffer a huge loss.

Yep, we have to be smart about our choices. And look at our life with utmost care, so we are able to see right paths for us:)

Yay! 🤗
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