Here's Why I am Thankful.

in GEMS27 days ago

I have been reflecting on my Crypto life and journey, and after all of my analysis, I believe I have made more mistakes than good decisions

This is primarily due to the fact that I ignored what I should have invested in and instead invested in what I should not have. However, it is the hallmark of almost everyone who has witnessed one or two market cycles. I will not be too hard on myself because I have been blessed beyond all the "what ifs".

One thing about cryptocurrency is that it is easier to focus on your losses because your mind is constantly telling you, "What if you never see the price you had in the past?" This makes you feel as if you have made a mistake and may never have another opportunity. However, if you truly begin to evaluate all of the correct decisions you made, you will notice that we frequently underestimate our successes.

The "Loss" Experience

For example, I began playing Splinterlands at the market's peak in 2021, which was a bad decision. I bought at the peak, and now Splinterlands is at its lowest price ever. Did I regret it? No. Why? I can not buy the experience I have had with anything, even though I have lost more than half of my initial investment. I know that as long as I am here and the game makes better decisions in the future, those days of endurance will eventually pay off.

When things go well, people forget about their losses. When things do not work properly, you remember what you have lost. We all lose at some point in our lives; the only thing we can hope for is that our victories will outweigh our losses. Many people are currently complaining about sticking with Hive instead of Steemit, and Hive has not replicated that loyalty. Aside from looking at Hive Not hitting good figures? How about the friends you have made here, the rewards you have received, and the 2021 bull market?

It is probably important to remember those great times and hope for better days. Things may be moving slower than you think, but that does not mean they are not working, so give thanks, be supportive, and be hopeful. You may be losing a lot right now, and you may even believe that everywhere is better than here. It is the FOMO mindset, and it is acceptable to think this way on occasion.

Money hurts less for someone who has been denied the opportunity to live a healthy life since birth. As long as I can get the necessities and pay my hospital bills, I am fine. At this point, I am no longer a money maximalist, so losing is fine as long as I have enough to get by on. I am grateful. It is difficult to focus on the positive aspects of life, especially when one's happiness is linked to the things they have lost. At this point, I have learned to believe that anything is possible.

Neutrality Brings Peace

This belief makes me neutral.

Being neutral about whether I will win or lose creates a mental equilibrium, because having too many expectations from anything in life can lead to a potential disaster. I've fallen too much in life, so I don't want have the mindset that I'm going to win. This does not imply that I am now hopeless; rather, it means that I have low expectations.

To Hive.....

I am grateful, especially for the lessons I have learned, the people I have met, and the opportunities I have had. True, I may not be as actively involved as I once was due to health issues, but I wonder how I would have dealt with all of the losses I have witnessed over the last three years if I had not had the support of the people I have met here.

Thank you for everything; I will do my best to support, follow, and encourage others. For the time being, I am patching up my health, trying to stay sane, paying bills, and balancing being active, but I am grateful to everyone who has reached out, supported, and continues to check in on me over the last seven months. I am grateful to everyone.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is really nice to read. I was with a deep smile as I read through. The fact that you saw the need to be thankful after all you've been through makes my heart flutter.

Things may be moving slower than you think, but that does not mean they are not working.

This statement right here, I am holding deeply on it. As humans, we always want quick results that sometimes, we fail to see the little changes in our lives.

Hive will get better, and so will life. Things will fall into place very soon. We just have to cultivate the act of being thankful during happy and sad times. Let's count our blessings and realize the things we have...

Yeah thank you for all the encouraging comments always. Yes, I realize I'm still thankful, it's not because it's been bad for a long time, but deep down I know it could be worse than it actually is, and the fact that it isn't makes me thankful, and I'm hoping it becomes better, all in all, being thankful is a response as well. It doesn't change the way I'm feeling or what I'm going through, I just feel it's necessary because it's not worse than it actually is.

because having too many expectations from anything in life can lead to a potential disaster. I've fallen too much in life, so I don't want have the mindset that I'm going to win. This does not imply that I am now hopeless; rather, it means that I have low expectations.

This being realistic, and it's not hopeless at all to stop aiming to win all the time. Sometimes, we need to acknowledge our falls and losses as experiences that teach us to manage our expectations and to be grateful for what we already have.

You're right, well being realistic helps, I know we should be all about ambitions and plans, but sometimes it's just important to acknowledge reality in whatever we do, and pray and hope it pans out for us. Nothing bad being a realistic, it's not pessimism

True Jose, I couldn't agree more!🌺

It sucks but losses are a part of life. There will always be things that don't go your way. I do regret the fact that I didn't take profit when prices were high but I invested mostly when it was during the Untamed era. So at that point, prices hadn't skyrocketed yet. The best we can do is learn from it and move forward trying not to make the same mistake. I still play Splinterlands and I don't regret it either. Emotions tend to hurt us more than they help us so I agree with trying to be neutral and objective.

Yes, there will always be things that don't work as we expect them to. As for splinterlands I came in during the chaos era when I had some money to invest and bought packs too, and I don't regret all the experiences either, as it's really helped me a when it comes to relaxation. I'll continue to play and as for me, keep up the hope alive as well.

It's always good to be grateful, because it could always be much worse. I too entered Splinterlands at the wrong time around when you did, but it's still earned me something although we lost on card values. I find it best not to dwell on the past, it sure doesn't change it.

We have both been lucky enough to enjoy healthy lives that many people never get to have, even though now health challenges have reared their ugly heads. I like your attitude of gratitude! It's a great thing!

I entered splinterlands when I could afford a few assets and it's just not sensible to want to sell any of the assets as it isn't really worth it anymore. However, I feel the glory days for splinterlands may come again.

As for me, I'll still continue to be thankful, at least it's not the end of the world, and I still have the opportunity to keep it going, thank you for the support always.

...and we are grateful for having you on the platform to share your experience, to share your struggles, and to inspire others on your (and our) journey!!!

Wish you all the best!

Thank you also, for all the support and the memories, I believe the glory days are still ahead, and a lot is still to come..

As long as we are alive, there is always so much to be thankful for, and I pray that God should give you perfect health,be fine bro

Thank you for the kind words. I say Amen to your prayers.

Anything is indeed possible and I think being neutral about the ups and downs or the coming and goings of life is the best way to cultivate peace. Losses are an inevitable part of life and eventually wins will also happen as long as we keep striving forwards and never give up.

I've learnt a lot from you and I'm grateful for the support, thank you for that and I'm sure better days are ahead for all us :)

You're welcome, keep pushing it here. This place is the best place on the internet space, and unless you're here you might not realize it.
Thanks, anything is possible, we learn as we experience various aspects of life whether good or bad.

Indeed! The community is also unmatched, diversity of knowledge and experiences.

I’m glad about your progress. Truly, it is easier to focus on the losses more than the wins but I have learned how to count my blessings and just learn from my losses so I can move on…
I hope you’re able to find a balance with whatever you’re doing or going through in life

Yes, balance is everything, and it's important to find balance. Thank you for the kind words.

Many people are currently complaining about sticking with Hive instead of Steemit, and Hive has not replicated that loyalty.

Oh, is it really possible someone thinks Steem would have been better? In what way?

Yes, there are people who have had to choose whether they want to be on Steem or Hive and there was a tone Steem felt like it did better in price, and they probably felt betrayed they didn't stick with steem. The price movement didn't last anyway

Well, there will always be people loving or trashing something based on price movement.

Wishing for your good health to beck to normal.

Thank you

Welcome. 😊

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I'm happy that you were able to pick up your life together as you didn't allow your background to limit you. It is a good thing to see that you never allow your condition to hurt your life.

Judging from your Hive Account we are proud of you, and I'm thankful with you, you show commitment and that's a great thing