"Three Tune Tuesday - Week 155" ...¡The Funky Medicine!

Uh-huh, today is Tuesday. And it seems that I have arrived early and on time to share a trio of my long-awaited unknown melodies. Those old melodies that no one knows or has ever heard about. But today, today I will try to do it a little differently. Since the ones I will share today will not be that old. But just a little bit funky. ¡Only a pinch funkier!

And they will be funkier, simply to try to lift my spirit and heighten my mood a few notches after seeing everything I have been seeing for a long time on this "social network" on the blockchain.

Things like:

  1. The increasing gruesome quality of the content we can find, see and read over here lately in these days.
  2. The blatant cronyism and the shameless sycophancy of all those that support and encourage such gruesome content.
  3. The indifference, lack of will and above all the inaction by those who really could do change the course of the very unwanted fate to which obviously all this leads us.
  4. And some and other things that I'd better let you discover by yourself so as not to allow it make me angrier and make that the tunes that I'm gonna share today be way too funk for you.

Said what has been said and all the reasons explained. Then let's enjoy the funky tunes:

«Three Tunes Tuesday»

¡Praise Break!

Most of us wake in the morning attempting to curve the baseball of life into our sweet spot. From there we all fantasize about hearing that smack of the ball in the one place that will take it higher and further than the ever before. We dream of hearing the stadium announcer scream, “And that ball is outta here!”

Then the rush of achievement smothers us in pure orgasmic joy as we race around the bases to home plate and advancing the three stranded runner to a score as well. (¿Upvotes anybody?)

Then, almost as simultaneously as our adventure and subsequent conquering began, it ends. The thrill is gone. We bow our heads and place our palms on our knees in a dry attempt to catch our breath once again. We strain to understand why the emotion of the circulation of adrenaline has ceased to inhabit our literal being.

It is at that moment, you realize that you left the stove on at home.

¡Going with the flow will get you nowhere if the water is in a still pond!

¡Running with the pack often leads to conflicts you are not prepared for!

¡In order for a dream to come true, you must have had a dream to begin with!

We Gon' ¡Make It Funky!

Until the next week funk soul brothers!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf
