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in #covidhoax10 months ago

This is a difficult question:

Of course evil has lost. 2012 showed us that. Now is the time of cleaning up evil.

Of course the mother WEFers have overplayed their hands.
They are scared and running for their lives. But this is all they know. Double down.

Unfortunately for them, the ones who are already under their spell, doubling down may break it.
And those who are coming out from their spell, doubling down makes it more apparent.

All the movies show how evil fights. Go in there, get the head guy. Stop the plot at the last second.

Good cannot fight that way. Evil will do as evil does, and there is only one direction, more control.
So, you behead the beast, but leave the structure, and more evil people will come fill the positions and start going in the exact same direction.

The way of good is to build upon good. Build a new structure, not in a pyramid form. Build new supply lines with people that you know, not faceless internet numbers.

The old way was to control who could get a record deal. And copyright that shit, so much that no one can even talk about their music.

The new way is to play music. Get donations if you want. Share everything. Everyone builds better.

About masks, just find answers that mollify the sheep. They are not your enemy, and they will not wake up if attacked. But, if they attack you, finish them off swiftly.


Holy cow, an actual reply! - I have almost forgotten what that is like...

If I do ever start posting on a platform again I think it will be Hive - every time I come back for a look I end up thinking "best site by miles, just a pity the whales hate me!"


Last time I tried leaving the rewards on, back in December 2021, I think they tried to tell me to bugger off :)


I saw your post, and just hadda reply. I even wrote a blog about it some time.

I want to write a better blog, because we have to do two things.
We need to learn how to fight
We need to avoid playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.

Like, soon, Anti-fa people are going to be protesting, and the military is going to be called o ut on them... and... just don't be there. Helping neither side will do good.

Here's another actual response. Glad you're not dead or anything. So, anyway.. Have you heard from @angryman?

I've sent pigeons, messages, DM's—crickets. he was a cool dude.

I miss hearing from @angryman I hope he and his cats a doing well.

Me too. He was funny.

Steemit is now working again - he is going hard out on Steemit!


PS - ignore that dumb comment - I thought they were new posts because they seemed to come up fresh on my timeline but they are two years old...

Another one bites the dust? Free speech is a bit thin on the ground here like everywhere else isn't it? - but I'm doing my best to help rectify that :)

I don't know - a quick look around reveals that most of my friends here seem to have disappeared.

Crickets? - are they like cicadas?


Steemit is now working again - he is going hard out on Steemit!


PS - ignore that dumb comment - I thought they were new posts because they seemed to come up fresh on my timeline but they are two years old...