
Thx, maybe you know Kaycee and Jeff usernames on Hive. I couldnt find them, so couldnt send the hive prize, only to you and snook.

didnt really check, do you still play on lucksacks, r u interested in similar? (in that way how the chess guys doing on hive, weekly, for longer period, collect prize from hive posts.)

I still play on Lucksacks . Jeff and Kaycee are still playing too. I will have to see if I can get you their user names. It may take some time if I can't get back into discord channel.
I'm always intersted in playing online poker but it just depends on how my time is available or not.

if you like, interested in chess, there is an ongoing tournament series, it last for 2-3 months, they play on Fridays, 70min long. They have some prize for everybody, who participate in enough tourneys, the amount will depends on how much they can get from posts, but for playing some chess, its okay.
Something similar would be good in poker in the weekends.

Oh... and thank you for sponsoring that tourney. Very much appreciated.