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RE: The Peace of Mind rock has got two siblings

in Kindness Rocks2 months ago

so you have at least two virtual apprentices.

Music for my ears!!!!

How cool you found your colours and brushes! I am looking forward to seeing your creations!

Soon, this little Kindness Rocks community will be filled with pained rocks from all over the world, well, at least we can cover a few countries if not the whole world hahahaa 😁

@mdrguez already painted a few rocks and even did some rock placing activities on a beach and some public spaces. :)) The other day I left one rock on the windowsill of the beach library, and it seems that someone adopted it 😃


That's it! We will see many beautiful and creative kindness rocks around here!

...poco a poco... :D

This is how a new global movement can start, painting on a potential weapon, right? Stone can be a weapon in some places.
It's a contagious activity, and I'm glad you're getting such feedback. I hope to be able to make my small contribution as soon as possible.

Contagious - it is. As I said some weeks ago it is kind of an addiction already 😜

I can see that it is addictive and I can also see that you quickly become proficient in this kind of painting.
It certainly helps that you make art, that you have an artist's sensibility.