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RE: The Peace of Mind rock has got two siblings

in Kindness Rocks2 months ago

That is actually an excellent idea! You write "anxiety" and throw it into a deep lake, river or sea, and anxiety never ever appears again in the world. That would be good! 😃

Well, once I wrote "migraine" on a rock, last year and threw it into a lake as I wanted to be migraine-free. It worked for some time, but later the migraine episodes came back. Maybe a turtle or a fish saw that rock and threw it back to the shore so I have them again.

“music is a gun”

Hahahaha. It is indeed quite a powerful "weapon" 😉



Is the lake now known as the Migraine Lake, where fish suffer by terrible headaches?

No, not at all, they don't suffer from it. That is just a type of migraine only humans, especially Hivers can feel. 😁