in Hive Open Mic9 months ago

▶️ Watch on 3Speak


Hello Family

Welcome to Hive Open Mic week 178

I'm so excited to be the Sport Light Artist for this week. Thank you @hiveopenmic


The songwriter begins by acknowledging that people are both the best and the worst of God's creations. They have the capacity for love and affection, but they can also hold onto hatred and strong opinions.

This song reflects a plea for forgiveness, healing, and release from the challenges and negative aspects of human nature.

People can sometimes be frustrating and challenging to live with. However, even in these moments, we still need people in our lives. As someone who has studied society, I have learned repeatedly how crucial it is for us as humans to interact with one another. No one is created to live as an island; we are meant to thrive in social settings. We are social animals, and the desire to share our dreams, desires, failures, successes, strengths, and weaknesses with others is innate in us.

The reason for choosing this theme is clear: people will always be people. If we continually focus on their faults and wrongdoings, we may end up being lonely, and loneliness is not the plan of God for us.

We must learn to look beyond people's flaws and extend understanding and forgiveness, recognizing that we are all flawed, including ourselves.

One thing I love about myself is how I always see the good in people, no matter how angry I may get. I believe everyone should have that ability. We should celebrate people, love genuinely, free ourselves, learn emotional intelligence, and develop the ability to let go of things easily.

I was listening to someone the other day, and she said something very profound. From our earliest moments, we need someone—a mother to nurture us. Even when we die, we will need someone to bury us. Even when you enter the coffin yourself, you will need someone to close it for you. Man was not meant to survive on his own; we are interdependent.

Humans were not designed to survive in isolation; we rely on one another. We need each other, and this interconnectedness is a fundamental aspect of our existence.

In conclusion, my favorite line from this song is, "Forgive me when I am one of those people." It encapsulates the message of embracing our imperfections and showing compassion toward others.

Please enjoy my rendition of this song!!!


They are the best and the worst you've created
Loving and hating and opinionated
Loners in basements and those congregated
Deliver me
Far from the peace, from ashore I was sinking
Deep in the ocean of thoughts they were thinking
Don't know what validation I was seeking
Deliver me from
People, people
When you said you could heal me from many things
Did you mean
People, people
Deliver me
'Cause I can't point 'em out
I won't say their names
I don't know the damage
Or which one to blame
It's just people, people
Deliver me
She was the reason I smiled in the morning
He took the last bit of joy I was storing
That's too much power for anything human
Deliver me from
People, people
I know you can heal me from many things
What about
People, people
Deliver me
'Cause I can't point 'em out
I won't say their names
I don't know the damage
Or which one to blame
It's just people, people
Deliver me, yeah
The hurt are hurting
And the broken are breaking (breaking)
And the ones who had their joy taken away
Are out here taking from other
People, people
People, people
Forgive these
People, people
Heal me from
People, people
People, people
People, people
People, people
People, people
Hating, lying (people, people)
Disrespectful, forgive me when I'm one of those (people, people)
People, people
Deliver me





Hola Familia

Bienvenidos a Hive Open Mic semana 178

Estoy tan emocionada de ser la Artista Sport Light de esta semana. Gracias @hiveopenmic


El compositor empieza reconociendo que las personas son a la vez la mejor y la peor de las creaciones de Dios. Tienen capacidad para el amor y el afecto, pero también pueden aferrarse al odio y a las opiniones fuertes.

Esta canción refleja una súplica de perdón, curación y liberación de los desafíos y aspectos negativos de la naturaleza humana.

A veces resulta frustrante y difícil convivir con la gente. Sin embargo, incluso en esos momentos, seguimos necesitando gente en nuestras vidas. Como alguien que ha estudiado la sociedad, he aprendido repetidamente lo crucial que es para nosotros, como humanos, interactuar unos con otros. Nadie ha sido creado para vivir en una isla; estamos hechos para prosperar en entornos sociales. Somos animales sociales, y el deseo de compartir nuestros sueños, deseos, fracasos, éxitos, fortalezas y debilidades con los demás es innato en nosotros.
La razón para elegir este tema es clara: las personas siempre serán personas. Si nos centramos continuamente en sus defectos y malas acciones, podemos acabar sintiéndonos solos, y la soledad no es el plan de Dios para nosotros.

Debemos aprender a mirar más allá de los defectos de la gente y ofrecer comprensión y perdón, reconociendo que todos somos defectuosos, incluidos nosotros mismos.

Una cosa que me encanta de mí es que siempre veo lo bueno de la gente, por mucho que me enfade. Creo que todo el mundo debería tener esa capacidad. Deberíamos celebrar a la gente, amar genuinamente, liberarnos, aprender inteligencia emocional y desarrollar la capacidad de dejar ir las cosas con facilidad.

El otro día estaba escuchando a alguien y dijo algo muy profundo. Desde nuestros primeros momentos, necesitamos a alguien, a una madre, que nos nutra. Incluso cuando morimos, necesitamos a alguien que nos entierre. Incluso cuando tú mismo entres en el ataúd, necesitarás a alguien que lo cierre por ti. El hombre no está hecho para sobrevivir solo; somos interdependientes.

El ser humano no fue concebido para sobrevivir aislado; dependemos unos de otros. Nos necesitamos unos a otros, y esta interconexión es un aspecto fundamental de nuestra existencia.

Para terminar, mi frase favorita de esta canción es: "Perdóname cuando sea una de esas personas". Encierra el mensaje de aceptar nuestras imperfecciones y mostrar compasión hacia los demás.

Por favor, disfruten de mi interpretación de esta canción.


Son lo mejor y lo peor que has creado
Los que aman, los que odian y los que opinan
Solitarios en sótanos y congregados
Lejos de la paz, desde la orilla me estaba hundiendo
Profundo en el océano de pensamientos que estaban pensando
No sé qué validación estaba buscando
Líbrame de
Gente, gente
Cuando dijiste que podías curarme de muchas cosas
Querías decir
Gente, gente
Porque no puedo señalarlos
No diré sus nombres
No sé el daño
O a quién culpar
Es solo gente, gente
Deliver me
Ella era la razón por la que sonreía por la mañana
Se llevó la última pizca de alegría que almacenaba
Eso es demasiado poder para cualquier cosa humana
Líbrame de
Gente, gente
Sé que puedes curarme de muchas cosas
Y de
Gente, gente
Porque no puedo señalarlos
No diré sus nombres
No sé el daño
O a quién culpar
Es sólo gente, gente
Deliver me, yeah
Los heridos están sufriendo
Y los rotos se están rompiendo (rompiendo)
Y a los que les quitaron la alegría
Están aquí tomando de otros
Gente, gente
Gente, gente
Perdona a estos
Gente, gente
Cúrame de
Gente, gente
Gente, gente
Personas, gente
Personas, gente
Con derechos
Personas, gente
Odiosos, mentirosos (gente, gente)
Irrespetuoso, perdóname cuando soy uno de esos (gente, gente)
Gente, gente

Thank you for your stopping by,
Until next time
Much love ❤️

▶️ 3Speak


You're right 👍
I love and understand your explanation of the theme.

Well-done 👏

Thank you 😊

You really did well with this song dear, what a beautiful presentation

Thank you 😊

Beni this was beautiful from start to finish 💞 I want to congratulate you for hosting this week, you chose a beautiful theme to complement so much knowledge and is that we, people, are just the embodiment of good and bad and it is nice to recognize that imperfection because it is what makes us human...

Each one of us has light and shadows, our mission is to light that flame that God put in us to give the world some positivity, peace, love and union. The Hive Open Mic gives us the possibility to bring light to every corner of the planet through presentations like this. From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you my dear Beni.... you are GREAT 🌹😍💖!!!!

I know that you are as you mention in your writing, a woman who understands, who listens, who loves and who gives her support to those who need it, besides being a great artist with an amazing gift for singing... every word you wrote was very accurate, you were inspired and it was noticed 🔥🔥🔥

I send you a big hug and I wish you a happy and blessed weekend 🙏❤️... please never lose that beautiful smile and never forget that.... You Absolutely Rockkkkkkkkk!!!! 👍😉🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯


So deep, encouraging and thoughtful..

Thank you so much sir @fernanblog.. Thank you for always supporting and believing in me. And for always appreciating my gift.

Your kind words are deeply appreciated ❤️😊😘😍

You are Loved ❤️

hello sis, cool, very beautiful, the lyrics that you brought, I like it, even though it's the first time I hear this song, I'm still enthusiastic about working

Thank you 😊❤️

Wow Benita! You've done a great job here projecting the message you want to share through this beautiful song. This post perfectly represents the spirit of our community and I feel that it nourishes the soul of those who read and listen to you, the effect you have on us helps to build the Global Harmony that we seek so much to live in peace, as brothers. I am happy to be part of this that you have prepared for the community, thank you very much for your perfection and charisma dear sister...



Thank you so much sir..

I am so Happy you liked it


Que voz tan hermosa, suenas como un ángel, escogiste una excelente canción para tu voz, dios te bendiga y que sigas así aportando a nuestra comunidad


You are amazing. Thank you for sharing the topic of the week. You have done a beautiful rendition.


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Thank you so much 😊❤️


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@yisusth(1/5) tipped @benii

Thank you 😊

This rendition is filled emotions and soul,
You did amazing with your voice
Keep it up

Thank you so much.

I appreciate ❤️😊🙏♥️

You are a great singer Benita, beautiful theme you chose also.... Proud of you my dear

Thank you big bro 😊🌹❤️

Am grateful for your support always❤️

Well said, I love your write up, I just hope we can all share genuine love with one another, this world will definitely be a better place.

Nice song dear, it's so lovely.

I swear..

Thank you for your comment dear 😘❤️

Much love ❤️

You're welcome dear... Much love ❤️

amazing acting and singing. you really are talented! :)

people, people, people, people ;) <3

Thank you so much @nancybmp


Beautiful interpretation, I loved the song, I had not heard it before.

It is very true we all have our good side and our bad side, strengths and weaknesses, the important thing is to let everything flow and seek to be light and harmony... to bring peace wherever we go, to know how to forgive and recognize our mistakes is part of living with the people around us. I liked your words 🌹God has a beautiful purpose for everyone.

A big hug and blessings!


Such thoughtful contribution.
Thank you so much for your kind words @gemafreya1234 ..

Beautiful @benii
Every single thing you've said about people is so so true

People love, hate, grow up, change, disappear, people can be everything
Even the people you know might become so so strange the next min.

But then the world will not function without people in it and you must always come in contact with the good bad and ugly........

Well done dear
You've done noble here

My dear, you are perfectly right..

Thank you for your brilliant comment dear

Much love ❤️❤️😘❤️

@benii will never fall my hand😄....
I see and appreciate what you've done here.....your interpretation of the theme caught my attention and your presentation made me stay lol....

Thank you for sharing such nourishing content once again...

So touching..
Thank you so much dear @tobbysax..

This comment means alot
Thanks alot ❤️😘☺️😍

Excelente amiga, me encantó tu interpretación👏👏👏😁

Thank you 😘❤️

Thank you so much @benii for this wonderful theme. Thank you for recognising humanity. Your performance is simply wonderful...

Thank you so much @ernesto6402

You are much welcome

See my baby. Her voice like dat of the angels . This is beautiful dear. You made a great choice of theme. It avails us the opportunity to participate easily. Kudos


Thank you so much friend..
I appreciate your kind words
Much love my friend ❤️😘

You are welcome my baby


This is incredible. You sang it well. Anyway, I want to ask if your schedule is not too tight. I might need some voice training ✨


Thanks dear..
You are so funny ❤️