A Sad Goodbye at the End of the Road

in Silver Bloggerslast year (edited)

There's something kind of elating when getting into one's car, seatbelt fastened, and you're sitting behind that steering wheel, ready for the journey!


It gets even better when on a joyride, and your favourite people are with you. The sun is out with a blue, blue sky, and gorgeous cottonwool clouds. Your friend with the vivid imagination starts seeing shapes in the clouds that resemble animals, or faces and tells everyone to do the same.


Your favourite music may come on, and you're humming or singing at the top of your voice, just loving and savouring the company and the journey.

Or you may just enjoy chit-chattering and taking in the ever-changing scenery, enjoying every moment of life, in the here and now!


Quote by Henry Thoreau

As you drive, the scenery changes; farmlands where the farmer has been tilling the soil in preparation for the planting season, the ever-changing road, uphills, downhills, and twisting through the countryside.



There's smoke up ahead, and as you get closer, you see a fire burning alongside the road, ravaging young trees.


Dark storm clouds appear and the journey becomes a tad perilous when the rain starts pelting down, just a little at first, but then comes down in buckets!


How much further before you reach your destination?
The chitter-chatter has stopped, and everyone becomes a little anxious as mist appears, obscuring the road, and other vehicles ahead.


At least the rain will stop the fire you saw way back, but the intensity of the rain is sure to cause damage! You come to a halt when you see the collapsed road in front of you, plus there's a ton of mud across the road, blocking the way. You have to make a U-Turn and take an alternative route.


You push ahead, wanting to reach your destination before nightfall, and finally, the rain stops.

That U-turn you were forced to take, shows you some amazing sights, the sun is shining through the avenue of trees, and everyone's spirits start lifting.


A gorgeous sunset greets you as you reach your final destination.
You made it!


Heart page break.png

The trip above reminded me of the difficult journey our dear @fionasfavourites has been traveling on, since April with her husband's illness.

There were good days, full of hope, and then some very trying days, where all seemed lost.

While her husband fought valiantly, Fiona drove the long trip to the hospital and back at great cost; physically, mentally, and also financially.


Sadly Fiona had to say her final goodbyes just two days ago.

I have spoken to the Silver Bloggers team, Silver Cat, Silver Scot, Silver Fish, and our friend Sterling Silver, all of who send their heartfelt condolences, love and prayers to you Fiona, and I'm sure all our #silverbloggers, and many in the Hive Community who know you, echo those sentiments.

Dearest Silver Flower, even though your Tom no longer is beside you, and indeed has reached his final destination, his light will never fade as he lives on in your heart and those whose lives he touched.


Fiona, we know you are in the midst of a storm right now, so take your time, but we look forward to seeing your light shining here on Hive again when you're ready, and, of course, have the time.

Heart page break.png

Original Content by @lizelle
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Please note
Some very kind folk wanting to lend a helping hand, tipped the post.
I've transferred it to Fiona's wallet.
If you'd like to help, rather send directly to @fionasfavourites wallet.
I however will keep an eye on mine and transfer any further tips to Fiona.
Thank you one and all, you are simply the best!


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( lizelle, silverlions.leo ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

 last year  

I am just reading this, ashamed that my time has not been my own and missing all the important things on Hive. My heart goes out to Fiona @fionasfavourites for all she has been through and my prayers for the now. Rest in peace, Tom. I know you will keep an eye on Fiona from above.

There is nothing anyone can say to make it better, yet she is surrounded by love, just because we can. ❤️

 last year  

I sometimes feel like that when life's kept me too busy to keep in touch with what's happening, but that's life, not so.
I sent your generous tip to Fiona's wallet, it's really such a thoughtful and kind gesture @dswigle 💞

 last year  

Thank you for all you do @Lizelle ❤️

My condolences to @fionasfavourites, it's not easy even if it is expected, may Tom rest in peace.

 last year  

Yes, it's never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, especially as Tom was so determined to get better, very sad. I'm sure your kind words and gift mean a lot to Fiona @jamerussell.

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 last year  

Thank you so very much for the support @qurator 🤗

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 last year  

Thank you for the stats @hivebuzz!

All good @lizelle! You're a real Hive pro! Onward to that new goal!

I am sad to hear this. Unfortunate times.
My heartfelt condolences, Madam Fiona.
I pray for you & wish that you get strength and comfort in difficult times.
I know it's not enough but I hope that with this, I would be able to contribute something than nothing.
I've upvoted with 100% upvote power & I've also transferred 3 Hive.

Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 2.36.43 PM.png

 last year  

I'm sure Fiona appreciates every message of comfort and your kindness with the transfer of Hive @sagarkothari88

 last year  

Very wonderful post for your dear friend @lizelle. I cannot imagine the range of emotions she is experiencing. I do hope she knows how much you and others here think of her. She and her family are in my thoughts.

 last year  

Yes, we're all very sad and feel for Fiona, thank you for your kind gift to her @coinjoe

 last year  

Welcome. If there is anything else, let me know what else I could do. Send me a message on Discord if so.

I’m at a loss for words.
@fionasfavourites I’m so sorry for your loss.
I can’t imagine the pain and the grief you’re going through but I hope you will be in a better situation soon.

 last year  

Yes, it's a very sad time for Fiona, @wittyzell, I'm sure your kind gift will be much appreciated.

Life couldn't get more complicated with so many ups and downs than your journey.

I'm so sorry to hear about @fionasfavourites loss, my sincere condolences ❤️

 last year  

It's been a long and very difficult period for Fiona, a sad loss indeed losing one's soulmate. I know she appreciates everyone's messages and will be back when the final goodbyes are said and done. Life is tough at times! Thank you for your kind wishes @livinguktaiwan

I kept hoping that journey would continue. The time is never enough. My heart breaks for a dear friend. A lovely tribute here, @lizelle.

 last year  

Heartbreaking indeed dear Katie, I was so hoping that Fiona's Tom would pull through, he fought so hard! Sadly it was not to be.

Thank you for writing this post.

This broke my heart. It's good to know she is surrounded by many who love her.

 last year  

Yes, it is heartbreaking, I cannot imagine how Fiona must feel having lost her soulmate, and having that huge void in her life!

She is much loved by many here on Hive, and I'm sure in the village where she lives, so that must be some comfort.

Thank you for your kind words @snook.

Sorry to hear Tom never pulled through, was thinking of Fiona yesterday, knowing her journey to be long and hard at the moment.

Thanks for sharing through a heartfelt post Lizelle.

 last year  

Yes, it's so very sad, I can just imagine how lost Fiona must feel, Tom was still so active before the procedure, must have been a huge shock! Thank you so much for your very generous tip Joan, I transferred it to Fiona's wallet, I'm sure it is much appreciated.

Massive shock for those left behind, will hold Fiona in our thoughts, please pass on our love when next you chat.

 last year  

My heart goes out to you @fionasfavourites 💔You are in my prayers. Sending you so much love at this difficult time 🙏

A beautiful and moving tribute @lizelle !LUV

 last year  

There's some deep ones on the block right now. I didn't know where you were going with this until I did.

@fionasfavoUrites with a U. <3

 last year  

Yes Fiona has been on a rough journey, very sad😢
PS I need to get back to Instagram but no chance at beating Atlas!

 last year  

Their loss.

 last year  

Ummm, forgot to say, I see you've learnt (not learned) how to spell favourite😉

 last year  

Oh my, I am so sad for @fionasfavourites, she must be in a haze right now, I know the feeling. I will write to her and send my love.

That was a wonderful post to tell that story, glad you let us know @lizelle.

 last year  

Very sad indeed, it's been a very long and hard journey for Fiona. I also cannot imagine losing my life partner!

 last year  

It has to be heartbreaking to lose your soulmate. I imagine they have been together for years. If my guy goes first I know I will be right behind him, he is my life.

It had to be so hard for her the last month, all that driving and emotional stress, she must be worn out.
I am praying for her and the family.

 last year  

It has taken its toll for sure, the round trip to the hospital was about 140km. Fiona's hubby fought so hard, and he so wanted to go home! Very very sad, I can't imagine losing my man either.
Thank you for your kind gift to Fiona.
Please take care yourselves 🙏🏻💖

 last year  


 last year  


 last year  

May dear Tom rest in peace now and we wish you all strength and peace during this tough period Lady @fionasfavourites ❤️

 last year  

Indeed @papilloncharity🙏🏻

Dear @fionasfavourites, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. May your husband rest peacefully now.

We have had so many losses in our own family this year. I feel for you.


 last year  

I read about your losses as well Zak, life can be so sad, but thankfully the tide always turns.

At times like this I always think of the words of that old song by The Byrds - Turn Turn Turn:

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep...

Take care of yourself Zak ❤

 last year  

So very sad when we have to say goodbye to our love ones, especially a soul mate. @fionasfavourites my heart felt condolences go out to you, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
May Tom rest in peace.

 last year  

It's so very sad indeed @artywink, Fiona's loss has touched all our hearts.

My condolences for your loss Fiona , life can be cruel and black. May strenght help you get teh brighter days back eventhough life will never be the same again.
Dear @lizelle the power off hive and your strong words will hopefully make a difference, thank you for the kind gesture

 last year (edited) 

Life really can be very dark at times, everyone has been so kind here on Hive.
Thank you for your kind wishes @brittandjosie, I know Fiona appreciates it xxx

What heartbreaking news @lizelle, but thanks for sharing this lovely tribute. Condolences to @fionasfavourites from both myself and @cosmictriage... I cannot imagine the grief of losing your life partner. R.I.P. Tom...

 last year  

Thank you @denmarkguy, it is heartbreaking indeed. I know Fiona will get to read everyone's messages of comfort.

Yay! 🤗
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 last year  

Thank you @stresskiller & @ecency.

A great tribute @lizelle to our @fionasfavourites in SilverBloggers. Your words show how strong a woman, wife, and human being she is. When we are united in marriage, it truly is for better or for worse. Please let Fiona know she is in my prayers.

Thanks for sharing. I will tip Fiona's wallet directly.


@lizelle! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @justclickindiva. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

 last year  

Thank you @justclickindiva, I know Fiona appreciates each message and kindness.
I cannot imagine life without my hubby, it would be like starting all over again, very sad!

My thoughts, prayers and peaceful heart go out to Fiona (@fionasfavourites). May God bless you and make your breaking heart whole again in time.

 last year  

Thank you @bdmillergallery, Fiona appreciates all the good wishes.
Thank you too for the tip, I have transferred it to Fiona's wallet🙏🏻

What an unfortunate piece of news. Tell the friend @fionasfavourites I send my condolences, I am sorry for her loss.

A big hug from Maracay, dear friend @lizelle

 last year  

We are all very saddened by Fiona's loss, thank you for your kind words @irvinc.

 last year  

It is sad to hear... our heartfelt condolences, Fiona❤ May the heavens give you more strength and comfort at this difficult times.

 last year  

Very sad indeed @ifarmgirl 😪

 last year  

I am very sorry for the loss of @fiona, I will pray for her to find comfort in her pain.

 last year  

Thank you @devania, I know @fionasfavourites appreciates everyone's kind wishes, a very sad time for her 😢

@fionasfavourites , I am so heartbroken for you. I have no words and there is nothing I could say. You have my heart right now.

 last year  

Your words echo my feelings as well @wwwiebe 😪

Esta es una triste noticia contada de forma hermosa. Se siente el amor que transmite.
Lo siento mucho, @fionasfavourites.
Un abrazo inmenso. ♥️

 last year  

Gracias por sus amables palabras @palomap3

 last year  

So sorry to hear about your loss @fionasfavourites my condolences.
Thanks for letting us know @lizelle

 last year  

Very sad @littlebee4, I know Fiona appreciates everyone's kind wishes.

 last year  

It is @lizelle… sad times for her. I hope she has support close by.

No words can express my condolences @fionasfavourites 💙


 last year  

You're so right Ed, words are never enough at times like this, just so very sad!


This is so sad, I can only hope that Fiona has some good support around her now and that she knows she has the entire Hive community at her back.

 last year  

I'm sure @killerwot, and I know Fiona appreciates every word of comfort.

My condolences to @fionasfavourites -- so sorry to hear of your sad loss.

 last year  

A very sad time indeed @daniellemurray!

Hey! Madam @fionasfavourite I am sorry to hear about your loss. May God give you patience and be with you always

May the soul of your husband reside in peace.

Absolutely! There's an undeniable sense of exhilaration that washes over you as you settle into your car, buckle up, and take hold of that steering wheel, ready to embark on a new journey. It's a feeling of freedom and anticipation, knowing that the open road lies ahead, waiting to be explored.

And what could make this experience even more special? Having your favorite people by your side, sharing in the joyride

A big hug, dear @fionasfavourites. You are in my thoughts.
I am so sorry for your loss:(

 last year  

It's just so very sad Eli, I kept on hoping, but it was not to be.

Take heart @fionasfavourites
May God give you the heart to bear your loss

My heart goes out to Fiona @fionasfavourites. May her Tom rest in peace.

 last year  

Thank you for your words of comfort for Fiona @silversaver888, it's just so sad.

My deepest condolences to @fionasfavourites, and family ... no journey could have been more difficult ... will keep all in prayer

 last year  

Thank you @deeanndmathews, I know Fiona appreciates all the kind wishes, it's going to be a hard journey still.

Of course it is ... none harder can be imagined... we're here to support...

Ohhh dear I am so sorry Fiona, I’ve been around checking if I’d hear any good news, you’d get through this ma’am, love and light from this side !LUV

 last year  

Yes, no good news at all.
Thank you @ibbtammy, Fiona appreciates all the good wishes.

You are most welcome

Oh no, I've only just seen this!
I'm so very sorry! 😢

 last year  

Very sad indeed!

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, @fionasfavourites. May God surround you will His peace and comfort during this difficult time. I don't know you personally (yet) but I have been praying for you and Tom during this illness. My heart aches for you.

 last year (edited) 

Thank you to everyone who tipped the post. I have transferred those tips to @fionasfavourite's wallet, and a big thank you to all who generously transferred HBD & Hive directly.
It is heartwarming to see how our community has reached out to help!
Proof of the tip transfers I did to Fiona's wallet:

Apologies to @joanstewart - I called you joansmith!

I'm so sorry for the loss of our dear @fionasfavourites. I hope she gets comfort soon and comes back to us.