Testing new Ecency video feature

Testing new video feature coming soon to Ecency.

This baby crow was newly fledged from a nest in my daughter's backyard. He quickly learned that she handed peanut snacks to her backyard squirrels, and here he is letting it be known that he is ready for her to bring him a peanut!


This is really a good news... Server down.. I think it's because of this ongoing update..Thanks for the good news mam.

Everything appears to be working fine. Is it OK for you now?

Great video and this looks like a great feature for Ecency!!!

Thanks... I'm very excited about videos on Ecency!

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Thanks, Pix!

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That will be so great
Thumbs up for the Ecency team for this

I continue to be amazed by the development at Ecency!

Wow..so we will be able to post video on Ecency soon.

I think it will be announced soon! Watch @ecency for an announcement!

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Amazing, will keep tabs on this...

Do you do videos?

Great News!
Haha I wasnt really looking at the bird, but at this wonder and peaceful place she has created in her Backyard ❤️

It is an amazing backyard, under constant development! They just made this new gate out of some scrap lumber.

How wonderful ❤️
There are 1000 different post stories within this place. But then maybe no time to dedicate to the place.

She does not have nearly enough hours in her day to accomplish everything that she wants to do!

This is fantastic, I am looking forward to the announcement.

Oh wow, where can I find more information? This is something that is awesome and would be a great benefit to everyone

It will be announced as soon as it is ready by @ecency.

Fantastic, I look forward to it. Will it enable shorts? I've been doing a lot of shorts on socials and they have high traction but don't seem that good here on Hive

Shorts will be our next target as in waves with separate shorts/reels feed

Boom! Fantastic

With each passing day, ecency keeps getting better and I totally love that.

This is amazing and I would be looking forward to the official announcement.✨

I think they have it close to being ready to go!


This feature is amazing, great to see new and more features on ecency 😍

There are so many new features coming this year! It's pretty exciting!

I didn't know that Ecency already has a video feature
I'm sure it will be easy to use because this interface is very easy

It's still being tested, but it will be ready to use soon!

Soo cool!! Love to hear that we'll be able to upload video soon 🤩

I am very excited about it!

How peaceful, I was listening to sound of water.

You are right. There is a waterfall/fountain very near to where the crow first was in the video. It is just under the kitchen window.

Moreover your home is in middle of beautiful nature

Ecency team is great!! 🤩♥️

Glad to see this feature.

my problem with it is :
to manny custom domains with java scripts

Where on our website?

as soon as i click on the video to play :) the add on i use in my browser is called "no script" to keep an eye on custom java scripts , since those are the easiest way to get infected 😎


Ah well, that's likely coming from 3speak side. I hope they will solve it, from what we know they are rewriting their website from scratch.

Ofcourse i watched the crow talking but i am looking forward to the 3speak extra ecency option ,
I love all the extras still coming

As if crows aren't annoying enough.... baby crows that beg 🤦‍♂️ ok I admit it was cute but still

I love crows! They are my favorite birds! And I'm sad that I seldom see them here in the woods. 😉