First snow, bee house maintenance and last preps for winter

in Homesteading2 years ago

Today we had the first snow. And not just snow, but a real blizzard. Frankly speaking, I do not like winter, I do not like cold, but unfortunately there is no escape from them.


Therefore, we have to make final preparations for the coming winter.


Yesterday I updated and insulated the doghouse. Insulated the floors with foam, foamed all the cracks, changed the rotten boards. The booth became as new. The dog really liked it, he climbed into it and did not come out for several hours.


I also installed additional wind protection in the goat house and finally took out all the trash from the beekeeping house. A bunch of old beehives, some kind of hardware.


Found the cause of the leak in the roof. It turned out that the coating itself is in order, but it was done incorrectly - there are no overhangs on the roof, and the corner under the roof has a negative slope, so the water flows not to the ground, but under the roof. As a result, the extreme roof boards rot.


I will redo all this in the summer, and now I just laid a tarpaulin. I hope it will last until spring.


Well, the most important thing is that I removed all the neighbor's garbage from my plot and stored it all in a trailer.


One of these days I will take all this stuff to a neighbor and it will be possible to do the processing of the cleared territory.


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Very cool you got the trash finished! And I bet your dog is happy. :))