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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1179)

in Homesteading4 months ago

12 years is how long we had Bear and it was the hardest thing we have ever had to do and it came down to how his quality of life was, he was not walking or drinking and eating so that made making the decision easier on us but it was still a hard thing to do.

Having to worry about moving on top of what you have going on is how things work for me, it seems if something is going to go wrong it will be more than one thing, it sometimes feels like I get dumped on by the universe.

I hope you can find a place, the 3 of us will own the property in Ala, the only thing is it is right on a highway and I don't think it has any trees or not many.


Yeah, it is rough but she is still eating and drinking so that is good.

I looked at that place before in Alabama (with Google street view) and have no interest in it.