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RE: Everything in me that hurts...(Trigger Warning)

You’re just choked because the dumb-asses that run this site have you in the forever 69 loop...Nasty business is the reincarnation template.
That aside, I’d say fcuk the DSM or whatever they call it.
I think I know what might work for you. Where I live the hills are alive with the sounds of gunshots as the valley has a shooting range.
I couldn’t imagine how good you would feel after emptying a Glock into the target!
All that angst would dissipate like a rain in the desert...
I see he’s learned to make himself right at home:)


How lucky you are you live where euthanasia is legal. We're like animals too...

They’ve (the universal a-holes) have been genociding the marginalized for decades here via opiates which was only the continuation of the weaponization of vice that has been used on us hobbits for centuries...See my blog from 15-days ago where I cover that ground.
We are much more than animals dear...