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RE: 'AI' CANNOT become conscious, nor even (self)aware - 'it' even 'knows' that itself


Modern Materialistic Science thinks that thought originates in the brain.
Anyone who has seriously practiced meditation, had OBEs or seriously do dream work KNOWS that thought originates outside of the body. As in, you are outside of your body, and you are still thinking... how is that possible if it is the brain doing the thinking?

Currently computers and programs can't even handle concepts.

An AI trained to tell the difference between dogs and wolves, figured out that wolf pictures had large amounts of white (snow) in the picture. It never worked with the concept of what a dog is, or what a wolf is, or what it means to be wild or domesticated.

AIs do not even know what a door is. They have to be trained to identify them, then they have to be trained to use them. And still, they do not know what a door is.

However, when you have a large group of people who's entire knowledge base is watching the Card Ass Ians then all you have to do to imitate intelligence is be able to discuss how big her butt is getting. (and since we do not talk about what is actually a butt, nor why we find the bigness worth discussing, an AI can easily chat along) Just regurgitate what millions of other butt watchers are commenting.


you are outside of your body, and you are still thinking

Ever thought about, that you are just imagining that you are outside of the body?

Of course i, we, everyone who has gone through these states has thought about this.
However, you do not understand that state.
It is truly more real than real life.

You know it, like you know that you are awake.

And the world out there is not fake, imaginary, or in some way, created by your mind.
Things happen there that you could not imagine.
And they don't just happen to one person, people who have had similar experiences share a great deal of what they encountered as the same. Although it was different people at different times.

Basically, to believe you are imagining these things is to claim that you are insane.
And some people have. Just given up on sanity.

After these experiences, most people call this world an illusion.
That we are spiritual beings having a "physical" experience.

Like the whole human experience is just the Illusion of materialistic brain simulation?

I never said this. That is pure speculation, like many others. But it can´t be ruled out either.

But I asked
Cuz this is the narradigma

And I find it funny that the same scientists claiming everything to be dead (and even hackable humans) now also claim artificial intelligence/ awareness / conciousness / life


Great I make you happy :)


Do you identify as such a scientist?


No, you just LOLed and I thought because I was so funny.
If you think others opinions are funny, so be it. Over and out.

Ende der fruchtlosen Diskussion.