The Pink Stuff

in Reflections9 months ago

Regretfully, my quick trip to my cousins didn't take place. Not long after I made my last post, I ended up with some sort of stomach bug. The kind where it feels like the Incredible Hulk is squeezing your guts.

What is a guy to do but grab the generic Pepto and start dosing. Not sure who invented the stuff, but it has been a lifesaver on more than one occasion. Luckily the intestinal challenges passed after about a day and half.

Time with my cuz will have to wait for a couple more weeks. We both have some stuff going on over the next few days and just can't sync up. It is alright though, we chat almost every other day via text or phone. So it is not like we don't stay in touch.


Anyway, back to the miracle that is Pepto. I mean who would have thought something that tastes like that would help your stomach. I am not sure I have ever taken a medicine that tastes good. In fact most medicine tastes absolutely horrible, sometimes bitter. Although Pepto is not too bad, that is beside the point. It is still not something I look forward to taking. It leaves an after taste I dislike a lot. In fact the after taste almost makes me want to be sick sometimes.

It makes me think about all the figurative medicine I have taken throughout my life. It never goes down well, it is bitter sometimes, and can even make you feel bad when you take it. But, ultimately it is good for you.

One thing I have learned, especially as I have reflected more over the last couple years, is that even bad experiences can be good for me. They may be bitter and uncomfortable, but they also allow me to learn. Even the worst of my mistakes and behaviors from my past are bitter pills that as I learn from them only make me better.

Yes, I hate to remember those things. Like most people there is nothing pleasurable in remembering the worst of times. Those moments when I made a fool of myself, was made a fool of, hurt others, others hurt me, or I destroyed a relationship are not something I care to think about.

However, for me to learn from them, become better, and move forward, I must accept they happened, not ignore them and act like they never happened. They did.

I just don't need to dwell on them like a bad stomach bug. I need to down the pink stuff, but in this case it is the mental pink stuff. I need reflect on the lessons learned from those bad moments and how I became a better person.

Another late night, or early morning writing that I hope makes sense.

Thanks for reading,


Note: Image is my own taken with iPhone6S

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Life has taught me a tough lesson, so when I read your post, made me smile. My mom was taking 45 tablets per day in her last year. Each day she took those pills although at the end it was already hard to swallow them. She never said a word. After she passed, my dad got some medicine, pills that were a bit bigger than usual and he started complaining, so I told him to reconsider his complaining and be happy there's medicine to cure what he was dealing with. It's kind of funny as since then, he has never complained again, no matter what health problem he has been dealing with.

One thing I have learned, especially as I have reflected more over the last couple years, is that even bad experiences can be good for me. They may be bitter and uncomfortable, but they also allow me to learn.

I understand some medicines are horrible, but as you say, it it gets you better, it's not so bad. I'm always smiling when someone is complaining, but rarely say a word :)

And if we're here, I'll tell you a funny story. At the age of 18, I was diagnosed with flat feet, and had to order customized shoe insoles. While I was sitting in the waiting room, there was an old gentleman next to me, around 70 he was I think. At some point he said to me: "Look at me miss, at this old age I have to buy this torture device." He was a funny man but you should have seen his face when I told him, I'm here for the same thing. His jaw dropped and told me: "Consider I never said anything." 😂 He knew I will have to wear those for the rest of my life, so him complaining at 70 was ... you know. We laughed together and I will never forget him.

Anyway, I wrote you a novel already. Get well and I hope you can meet your cousin soon.

Gosh Erika I didn't know that about your mom, that's hectic. Shame, I can imagine that your dad probably felt quite bad having insulted your mom's very stoic and graceful acceptance of having to take that many meds.

I have health issues that I've been dealing with since a kid too and it never gets easier, you just learn to deal with it better and talk to fewer people about it, so I totally empathize with your flat feet diagnosis.

Hope you are well otherwise! 😊

Seeing someone who is worse off than you are physically, who manages with grace can be a humbling experience. Same can be said for all things non-physical, and just life in general.

That is funny story and I would have loved to been a fly on the wall when it happened.

I really enjoyed your thoughtful comment, it is so appreciated.


I've been wondering where you were... i think I know now. I also know about this Pink Creation... though I prefer chamomile tea or peppermint's. Regardless... good to see you are still treading water! Hope you are having a good day, today. I'll catch you later, brother...



Thanks for checking on me brother! I thought I was doing okay when I made this post, but by the afternoon it hit me again. I do think things have passed now and had a couple days of just chilling out. Hopefully all will be good now and I can get back into the swing of life again. Hope you are all good as well!

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Our journey forward usually begins behind us and it's the things that happened which will help us move forward towards the things that will happen.

I hope you are going well otherwise, and all the best for the coming weekend.

Becca 🌷

I am doing much better, thank you so much. I am looking forward to what is supposed to be a nice weekend weather wise. Hope you have one as well.

I have everything crossed for the weather over your way, hopefully it delivers and you have a nice weekend. All is well here, it's cool but mostly sunny and I'm ok with that, I have on a cute scarf and beanie that I love, and some other clothes as well of course, and I'm happy. It's enough.

Becca 🌷

I have always wondered abut Pepto! I have seen it in American movies, but don't know what the equivalent is.

It is a pink colored mild antiacid with a horrible minty bubble gum flavor. So whatever you have there similar to that.

I don't think there is anything similar!! :D

Hi Joe

I don't think I've ever had Pepto - heard about it though. I hope it helps and you start feeling loads better.

Geez, don't get me started on trying to turn the worst possible shitty situations into something positive. Yes, lessons come from them and help us grow (if we let them) but sometimes there aren't any silver linings either and that's ok, that's part of life.

I am feeling better, thank you so much.

I agree, there are not always silver linings. I do think there are always lessons to be learned (medicine to take) from most all experiences though. Yep, sometimes life can just suck. We just have to put on a helmet and march on.

I'm glad. We all seem to have these bouts of health issues every now and again. They aren't awesome by any stretch.

Life is what we want it to be, yes, it sucks at times but it would be a very dull and boring existence if we didn't have the highs and lows and all the lessons we can learn along the way.

Hope your feeling better brother! Old pepto is a lifesaver! We've all been there before. Feel better!

I am doing much better, thank you. Pepto does seem to help, but it tastes yuck.

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Much appreciated.

Pepto makes me want to vomit, so it is a no win for me. I'd rather take some kind of pill.

I am not a fan of the taste, but it doesn't make me want to vomit. You must really hate it.


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