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RE: It's a fish... with a hole in its back

in NeedleWorkMonday2 months ago

I needed a laugh tonight, so thank you for this post @mipiano, I also chuckled at that half a bra answer! That image still is a mystery, I am very curious about the answer.

Do you know what I see besides a fish, it could be the side-view of a bird. The hole is his eye, and he has his beak wide open. I'd love to know what it represents!

I still have a couple of crochet cloths, kept the ones that have the 'vintage' look like the one in your second image, but the others with 1960s look are slowly walking out of the house;)

Thank you again for cheering me up with this post! I was searching for photos of my Dad for @ericvancewalton's Memoir Monday, and discovered cards, old letters, and way too many photos that made me sad!

And thank you for the HP <3


Elegant lady with a parasol, you are very welcome and I am happy you cheered up with this post 😇

Let's always knit fun and good vibes into our days 😋

Haha, yes, it totally looks like a side view of a bird with an eye (the hole)... I think this bird is hungry then :D