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RE: It's a fish... with a hole in its back

in NeedleWorkMonday2 months ago

This is how a judge should be, fair. Those little tablecloths and socks are super cute. Hehehe... how nice that you have all these memories. And if you ever feel cold, you can always use mipianito sweater, of course he lends it to you without any problem.. The bad thing would have been if it was too small for you.


(aquí estoy acabada de llegar del trabajo que fui a buscar unas cosas y toallitas húmedas)


Mipianito was reading the text while I was writing the post, he approved what I wrote especially the part that I can't wear it hahaha. It has too long sleeves, my arms are lost there. 😂

Trabajo - aquí empezó también 😒

Oh, I like to wear big t-shirts when I'm at home... Thanks for the power up!

but too heavy and too long sleeves. well, maybe I had to demonstrate with a photo lol

good night 👋

Te creo, te creo... además ya mipianito dijo la última palabra, aunque esto tan bonito se te pudiera caer así, sin querer, en agua caliente. 🤣

Sin querer 😂
